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  • Fpsware's RAF Bot

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fpsware, Feb 19, 2014.

    1. HeinBlöd

      HeinBlöd Member

      Jan 27, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Can I go out as the fact that the raf-bot does not work? I have tried same thing several different folders sequence and nothing happens.

      Translater Google: German -- English
    2. alex4honor

      alex4honor New Member

      Jan 23, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      I took a look into the API of HB. I get an error with QuestingHelpers.cs. WeightSetEx Class must have been changed or smth... I guess its called just WeightSet now and lays in Styx.CommonBot.CharacterManagement; But the methods changed as well or am I wrong?! I imported the namespace,changed the declaration and get some more errors now. I am trying to get a bit deeper into this...
    3. axi

      axi Member

      May 15, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      [11:06:10.410 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.9958.729 started.
      [11:06:14.854 N] Logging in...
      [11:06:17.137 N] Attaching to D3D9
      [11:06:17.636 N] Attached to WoW with ID 2756
      [11:06:18.047 N] New bot added!: 考古模式
      [11:06:18.047 N] New bot added!: 战场模式
      [11:06:18.458 N] New bot added!: 副本模式
      [11:06:18.527 N] New bot added!: 采集模式
      [11:06:18.528 N] New bot added!: 打怪模式
      [11:06:18.528 N] New bot added!: 任务模式
      [11:06:18.550 N] New bot added!: 混合模式
      [11:06:18.550 N] New bot added!: 组队模式
      [11:06:18.551 N] New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
      [11:06:18.560 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Reloading Bots
      [11:06:23.351 N] Compiler Error: e:\桌面\Honorbuddy\Bots\fpsware raf bot\trunk\Questing\QuestingHelpers.cs(731,33) : error CS0246: 未能找到类型或命名空间名称“WeightSetEx”(是否缺少 using 指令或程序集引用?)
      [11:06:25.263 D] H: 46-E3-90-24-96-0E-FA-B0-D2-3C-34-F5-FD-31-30-08-B4-77-C8-75
      [11:06:25.263 D] V: 2.5.9958.729
      [11:06:27.150 N] New bot added!: AutoAngler
      [11:06:27.150 N] New bot added!: Combat Bot
      [11:06:27.150 N] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
      [11:06:27.151 N] New bot added!: Raid Bot
      [11:06:27.151 N] New bot added!: Tyrael
      [11:06:27.162 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.9958.729 started!
      [11:06:27.162 D] Using WoW with process ID 2756
      [11:06:27.162 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
      [11:06:27.162 D] Executable Path: E:\桌面\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
      [11:06:27.164 N] Character is a level 10 NightElf Druid
      [11:06:27.165 N] Current zone is 艾尔文森林
      [11:06:27.190 D] UICulture: en-US
      [11:06:27.190 D] UseFrameLock: False
      [11:06:27.190 D] TicksPerSecond: 100
      [11:06:27.190 D] CombatRoutinesPath: Routines
      [11:06:27.191 D] ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] PluginsPath: Plugins
      [11:06:27.191 D] ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] BotsPath: Bots
      [11:06:27.191 D] ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors
      [11:06:27.191 D] MeshesFolderPath: E:\mapbag
      [11:06:27.191 D] KillBetweenHotspots: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] LogoutForInactivity: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] LogoutInactivityTimer: 20
      [11:06:27.191 D] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] LogLevel: Normal
      [11:06:27.191 D] SeperatedLogFolders: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] SelectTalents: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] ClassProfileName: Druid - Feral
      [11:06:27.191 D] AutoEquip: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] AutoEquipBags: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] AutoEquipWeapons: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] AutoEquipArmor: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] AutoEquipBoEEpics: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] WeaponStyle: Automatic
      [11:06:27.191 D] RollOnItems: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] RollDisenchantWhenGreed: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] MaxBoEDisenchantQuality: Uncommon
      [11:06:27.191 D] FoodAmount: 0
      [11:06:27.191 D] DrinkAmount: 0
      [11:06:27.191 D] SelectedBotIndex: 2
      [11:06:27.191 D] UseFlightPaths: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] FindMountAutomatically: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] UseRandomMount: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] FoodName has no value yet!
      [11:06:27.191 D] DrinkName has no value yet!
      [11:06:27.191 D] MountName has no value yet!
      [11:06:27.191 D] FlyingMountName has no value yet!
      [11:06:27.191 D] LootMobs: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] SkinMobs: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] NinjaSkin: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] LootChests: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] HarvestMinerals: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] HarvestHerbs: False
      [11:06:27.191 D] UseMount: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] PullDistance: 100
      [11:06:27.191 D] LootRadius: 45
      [11:06:27.191 D] LastUsedPath has no value yet!
      [11:06:27.191 D] MountDistance: 60
      [11:06:27.191 D] RessAtSpiritHealers: True
      [11:06:27.191 D] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
      [11:06:27.196 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      [11:06:27.197 D] Activity: 正在初始化
      [11:06:27.201 D] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
      [11:06:27.268 D] Activity: Loading Spells
      [11:06:27.358 D] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
      [11:06:27.415 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Feline Grace (125972)
      [11:06:27.415 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Maul (6807)
      [11:06:27.415 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mangle (33917)
      [11:06:27.416 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Entangling Roots (339)
      [11:06:27.416 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Tiger's Fury (5217)
      [11:06:27.416 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cat Form (768)
      [11:06:27.416 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Bear Form (5487)
      [11:06:27.417 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Prowl (5215)
      [11:06:27.417 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Moonfire (8921)
      [11:06:27.417 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Rake (1822)
      [11:06:27.418 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Wrath (5176)
      [11:06:27.418 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Rejuvenation (774)
      [11:06:27.418 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Ferocious Bite (22568)
      [11:06:27.419 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Growl (6795)
      [11:06:27.419 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Elusiveness (21009)
      [11:06:27.419 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Quickness (20582)
      [11:06:27.420 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Languages (76252)
      [11:06:27.420 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Nature Resistance (20583)
      [11:06:27.420 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Wisp Spirit (20585)
      [11:06:27.421 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Weapon Skills (76300)
      [11:06:27.421 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Armor Skills (76275)
      [11:06:27.422 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Fatigue (134732)
      [11:06:27.422 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Pet Training (119467)
      [11:06:27.422 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Auto Attack (6603)
      [11:06:27.423 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Shadowmeld (58984)
      [11:06:27.423 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Revive Battle Pets (125439)
      [11:06:27.430 D] [SpellManager] Mangle (33876) overrides Mangle (33917)
      [11:06:27.439 D] [SpellManager] GCD check spell set to Feline Grace
      [11:06:27.440 D] Activity: Initializing Navigator
      [11:06:27.532 D] Class profile set to DruidFeral (Druid - Feral)
      [11:06:27.593 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event START_LOOT_ROLL with handler 
      [11:06:27.596 D] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
      [11:06:27.624 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event TAXIMAP_OPENED with handler 
      [11:06:27.687 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event EQUIPMENT_SETS_CHANGED with handler 
      [11:06:27.720 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event START_LOOT_ROLL with handler 
      [11:06:27.731 D] Activity: Initializing Routines
      [11:06:27.732 D] Activity: Initializing Plugins
      [11:06:27.735 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<ICombatRoutine> - [RoutineManager] ReloadRoutineAssemblies called.
      [11:06:27.788 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - RefreshPlugins Called
      [11:06:33.822 D] (Singular) 0.0 days since Windows was restarted
      [11:06:33.836 D] (Singular) 32 FPS currently in WOW
      [11:06:33.866 D] (Singular) 4 ms of Latency in WOW
      [11:06:33.866 D] (Singular) 03-16-2014 19:06:33 local system time
      [11:06:33.764 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: E:\桌面\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      [11:06:33.765 N] ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
      [11:06:33.765 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: E:\桌面\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      [11:06:33.777 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
      [11:06:33.778 D] Singular v3.0.0.3304 v3.0.0.3304
      [11:06:33.820 N] [Singular] Starting Singular v3.0.0.3304
      [11:06:33.948 N] [Singular] Installation: integrity verified for
      [11:06:33.958 N] [Singular] GCD check fix spell set to: Cat Form
      [11:06:33.985 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event PLAYER_LEVEL_UP with handler UpdateTalentManager
      [11:06:34.015 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED with handler UpdateTalentManager
      [11:06:34.045 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event GLYPH_UPDATED with handler UpdateTalentManager
      [11:06:34.076 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED with handler UpdateTalentManager
      [11:06:34.106 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED with handler UpdateTalentManager
      [11:06:34.136 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB with handler UpdateTalentManager
      [11:06:34.826 D] (Singular) BossList: for 东部王国
      [11:06:34.827 D] (Singular) BossList: contains 0 entries
      [11:06:34.912 V] (Singular)
      [11:06:34.913 D] (Singular) ====== Singular Settings ======
      [11:06:34.923 D] (Singular) ConfigVersion:
      [11:06:34.923 D] (Singular) EnableDebugLoggingGCD: False
      [11:06:34.924 D] (Singular) EnableDebugTrace: False
      [11:06:34.924 D] (Singular) DisableDebugLogging: False
      [11:06:34.924 D] (Singular) FormHeight: 337
      [11:06:34.925 D] (Singular) FormWidth: 378
      [11:06:34.925 D] (Singular) FormTabIndex: 0
      [11:06:34.925 D] (Singular) AllowMovement: Auto
      [11:06:34.926 D] (Singular) MeleeDismountRange: 12
      [11:06:34.926 D] (Singular) MeleeMoveBehind: True
      [11:06:34.926 D] (Singular) UseCastWhileMovingBuffs: True
      [11:06:34.684 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED with handler HandleCombatLog
      [11:06:34.715 D] Applied filter to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. Filter: return args[4] == UnitGUID('player') and (args[2] == 'SPELL_MISSED' or args[2] == 'RANGE_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SWING_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SPELL_CAST_FAILED')
      [11:06:34.744 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event START_TIMER with handler HandleStartTimer
      [11:06:34.774 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event UI_ERROR_MESSAGE with handler HandleErrorMessage
      [11:06:34.804 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event END_BOUND_TRADEABLE with handler HandleEndBoundTradeable
      [11:06:34.835 N] [Singular] Determining talent spec.
      [11:06:34.908 N] [Singular] Current spec is Druid Feral
      [11:06:34.927 D] (Singular) MinHealth: 60
      [11:06:34.928 D] (Singular) MinMana: 50
      [11:06:34.928 D] (Singular) PotionHealth: 30
      [11:06:34.928 D] (Singular) PotionMana: 30
      [11:06:34.930 D] (Singular) UseBandages: False
      [11:06:34.935 D] (Singular) DisengageAllowed: True
      [11:06:34.936 D] (Singular) DisengageHealth: 70
      [11:06:34.936 D] (Singular) DisengageMobCount: 2
      [11:06:34.937 D] (Singular) KiteAllow: False
      [11:06:34.937 D] (Singular) KiteHealth: 50
      [11:06:34.937 D] (Singular) KiteMobCount: 2
      [11:06:34.938 D] (Singular) AvoidDistance: 8
      [11:06:34.938 D] (Singular) JumpTurnAllow: False
      [11:06:34.938 D] (Singular) UseFrameLock: True
      [11:06:34.939 D] (Singular) WaitForResSickness: True
      [11:06:34.939 D] (Singular) DisableNonCombatBehaviors: False
      [11:06:34.940 D] (Singular) DisableInQuestVehicle: False
      [11:06:34.940 D] (Singular) DisableSpellsWithCooldown: 0
      [11:06:34.940 D] (Singular) SelfRessurect: Auto
      [11:06:34.944 D] (Singular) DisablePetUsage: False
      [11:06:34.944 D] (Singular) PetTankAdds: True
      [11:06:34.944 D] (Singular) IgnoreHealTargetsAboveHealth: 95
      [11:06:34.945 D] (Singular) MaxHealTargetRange: 75
      [11:06:34.945 D] (Singular) StayNearTankRange: 25
      [11:06:34.945 D] (Singular) StayNearTank: True
      [11:06:34.946 D] (Singular) IncludePetsAsHealTargets: True
      [11:06:34.946 D] (Singular) DispelDebuffs: LowPriority
      [11:06:34.946 D] (Singular) CombatRezTarget: TankOrHealer
      [11:06:34.947 D] (Singular) CombatRezDelay: 2
      [11:06:34.947 D] (Singular) HealerCombatAllow: True
      [11:06:34.947 D] (Singular) HealerCombatMinMana: 75
      [11:06:34.948 D] (Singular) HealerCombatMinHealth: 85
      [11:06:34.948 D] (Singular) UseAlchemyFlasks: True
      [11:06:34.948 D] (Singular) Trinket1Usage: Never
      [11:06:34.949 D] (Singular) Trinket2Usage: Never
      [11:06:34.949 D] (Singular) GloveUsage: OnCooldownInCombat
      [11:06:34.949 D] (Singular) UseRacials: True
      [11:06:34.950 D] (Singular) GiftNaaruHP: 30
      [11:06:34.950 D] (Singular) ShadowmeldThreatDrop: True
      [11:06:34.950 D] (Singular) DisableTankTargetSwitching: False
      [11:06:34.951 D] (Singular) EnableTaunting: True
      [11:06:34.951 D] (Singular) TypeOfTargeting: Auto
      [11:06:34.951 D] (Singular) PurgeTargets: Current
      [11:06:34.952 D] (Singular) PurgeBuffs: Whitelist
      [11:06:34.952 D] (Singular) InterruptTarget: All
      [11:06:34.952 D] (Singular) TrivialMaxHealthPcnt: 50
      [11:06:34.953 D] (Singular) AllowAOE: True
      [11:06:34.953 V] (Singular)
      [11:06:34.975 D] (Singular) ====== HotkeySettings Settings ======
      [11:06:34.976 D] (Singular) SavedToFile: True
      [11:06:34.977 D] (Singular) ChatFrameMessage: True
      [11:06:34.977 D] (Singular) KeysToggleBehavior: True
      [11:06:34.978 D] (Singular) AoeToggle: None
      [11:06:34.978 D] (Singular) CombatToggle: None
      [11:06:34.978 D] (Singular) MovementToggle: None
      [11:06:34.979 D] (Singular) SuspendMovement: False
      [11:06:34.979 D] (Singular) SuspendDuration: 3
      [11:06:34.979 D] (Singular) SuspendMovementKeys: System.Windows.Forms.Keys[]
      [11:06:34.980 V] (Singular)
      [11:06:35.011 D] (Singular) ====== DruidSettings Settings ======
      [11:06:35.018 D] (Singular) UseTravelForm: False
      [11:06:35.019 D] (Singular) InnervateMana: 40
      [11:06:35.019 D] (Singular) UseSymbiosis: True
      [11:06:35.019 D] (Singular) UseWildCharge: True
      [11:06:35.019 D] (Singular) MoveBehindTargets: False
      [11:06:35.020 D] (Singular) SelfRejuvenationHealth: 60
      [11:06:35.020 D] (Singular) SelfHealingTouchHealth: 40
      [11:06:35.020 D] (Singular) SelfRenewalHealth: 35
      [11:06:35.021 D] (Singular) SelfNaturesSwiftnessHealth: 20
      [11:06:35.021 D] (Singular) SelfCenarionWardHealth: 80
      [11:06:35.021 D] (Singular) MoonBeastRejuvenationHealth: 80
      [11:06:35.021 D] (Singular) MoonBeastHealingTouch: 40
      [11:06:35.022 D] (Singular) TranquilityHealth: 60
      [11:06:35.022 D] (Singular) TranquilityCount: 3
      [11:06:35.022 D] (Singular) Swiftmend: 65
      [11:06:35.023 D] (Singular) WildGrowthHealth: 80
      [11:06:35.023 D] (Singular) WildGrowthCount: 2
      [11:06:35.023 D] (Singular) Regrowth: 70
      [11:06:35.024 D] (Singular) HealingTouch: 60
      [11:06:35.024 D] (Singular) Nourish: 75
      [11:06:35.024 D] (Singular) Rejuvenation: 90
      [11:06:35.025 D] (Singular) Barkskin: 70
      [11:06:35.025 D] (Singular) TankFrenziedRegenerationHealth: 70
      [11:06:35.025 D] (Singular) TankSavageDefense: 100
      [11:06:35.026 D] (Singular) TankMightOfUrsoc: 30
      [11:06:35.026 D] (Singular) TankSurvivalInstinctsHealth: 55
      [11:06:35.026 D] (Singular) TankFeralBarkskin: 80
      [11:06:35.027 D] (Singular) FeralSpellPriority: ElitistJerks
      [11:06:35.027 D] (Singular) PredSwiftnessHealingTouchHealth: 80
      [11:06:35.027 D] (Singular) PredSwiftnessPvpHeal: 35
      [11:06:35.028 D] (Singular) SurvivalInstinctsHealth: 55
      [11:06:35.028 D] (Singular) ProwlAlways: False
      [11:06:35.028 V] (Singular)
      [11:06:35.029 V] (Singular) ====== Evaluated/Dynamic Settings ======
      [11:06:35.029 D] (Singular) Debug: N
      [11:06:35.030 D] (Singular) DisableAllMovement: N
      [11:06:35.031 D] (Singular) DisableAllTargeting: N
      [11:06:35.033 D] (Singular) TrivialHealth: 202
      [11:06:35.041 D] (Singular) NeedTankTargeting: False
      [11:06:35.043 D] (Singular) NeedHealTargeting: False
      [11:06:35.043 V] (Singular)
      [11:06:35.043 V] (Singular) No spells blocked by DisableSpellsWithCooldown
      [11:06:35.055 D] (Singular) MapId = 0
      [11:06:35.056 D] (Singular) ZoneId = 12
      [11:06:35.067 V] (Singular)
      [11:06:35.070 D] (Singular) Talents Selected: 0
      [11:06:35.071 V] (Singular)
      [11:06:35.072 D] (Singular) Glyphs Equipped: 0
      [11:06:35.072 V] (Singular)
      [11:06:35.127 V] (Singular)
      [11:06:35.128 V] (Singular) My Current Dynamic Info
      [11:06:35.128 V] (Singular) =======================
      [11:06:35.131 D] (Singular) Combat Reach: 1.5000
      [11:06:35.133 D] (Singular) Bounding Height: 2.4381
      [11:06:35.133 V] (Singular)
      [11:06:35.199 V] (Singular) Singular Behaviors: Added 326 behaviors
      [11:06:35.204 D] (Singular) 0 Combat CreateFeralNormalCombat
      [11:06:35.267 D] (Singular) 0 Pull CreateFeralNormalPull
      [11:06:35.284 D] (Singular) 0 Rest CreateNonRestoDruidRest
      [11:06:35.298 D] (Singular) 1 Rest CreateFeralDruidRest
      [11:06:35.307 D] (Singular) 0 CombatBuffs CreateDruidCombatBuffsNormal
      [11:06:35.310 D] (Singular) 1 CombatBuffs CreateFeralCombatBuffs
      [11:06:35.316 D] (Singular) 0 Heal CreateDruidNonRestoHealNormal
      [11:06:35.321 D] (Singular) 999 Heal CreateFeralCombatHeal
      [11:06:35.334 D] (Singular) 0 PreCombatBuffs CreateDruidPreCombatBuff
      [11:06:35.345 D] (Singular) 0 PreCombatBuffs CreateFeralNormalPreCombatBuffs
      [11:06:35.358 D] (Singular) 0 Death CreateDefaultDeathBehavior
      [11:06:35.362 D] (Singular) 0 LossOfControl CreateDruidLossOfControlBehavior
      [11:06:35.055 N] [Singular] Your Level 10 Night Elf Feral Druid Build is
      [11:06:35.055 N] [Singular] ... running the Combat Bot bot in 艾尔文森林
      [11:06:35.057 N] [Singular] ... Zone: 东部王国 using my SOLO Behaviors
      [11:06:35.180 D] Replaced hook [Singular.KitingBehavior] db1549d9-7b8f-45c4-8612-0478f4cb063e
      [11:06:35.266 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Combat] 0614ff25-e67e-4228-b284-b34eb298df36
      [11:06:35.282 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Pull] de262201-a62b-4e33-a77f-ba6a74f0583d
      [11:06:35.306 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Rest] 0cc7979c-f410-491d-b206-5b7e3ba1c979
      [11:06:35.315 D] Replaced hook [Singular.CombatBuffs] df69778b-fc0d-4322-8914-81f7e056ab88
      [11:06:35.328 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Heal] 56b0327a-41ff-4b5f-ab47-26bbdcd34e61
      [11:06:35.333 D] Replaced hook [Singular.PullBuffs] e26b57bc-baa6-46ab-8048-e332f96d2730
      [11:06:35.351 D] Replaced hook [Singular.PreCombatBuffs] d8e51eab-73ff-414a-9c13-e5605a22349c
      [11:06:35.361 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Death] f0227d30-de6a-4b29-84fe-fcb1b4dbf384
      [11:06:35.369 D] Replaced hook [Singular.LossOfControl] fb4a8a17-f32a-43eb-a55f-4624a01a74b5
      [11:06:35.369 N] [Singular] Initialization complete!
      [11:06:38.538 N] Installed plugins
      [11:06:38.538 N] Anti Drown - Disabled
      [11:06:38.538 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled
      [11:06:38.538 N] FightHere - Disabled
      [11:06:38.538 N] MIR2 - Disabled
      [11:06:38.538 N] Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
      [11:06:38.538 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled
      [11:06:38.538 N] 【CuiMai.com】脚本录制制作插件 1.4 - Disabled
      [11:06:38.538 N] 天赋助手 - Disabled
      [11:06:38.538 N] 换装助手 - Disabled
      [11:06:38.550 D] Activity: 初始化完成
      [11:06:38.550 N] Initialization complete.
      [11:06:38.552 D] Activity: 魔兽兄弟启动完成
      [11:07:19.452 N] Starting the bot!
      [11:07:19.452 N] Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
      [11:07:19.452 D] Character is a level 10 NightElf Druid
      [11:07:19.452 D] Current zone is 艾尔文森林
      [11:07:19.470 D] Cleared POI
      [11:07:19.499 N] WoW cannot be minimized while running Honorbuddy!
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Feline Grace (125972)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Maul (6807)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mangle (33917)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Entangling Roots (339)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Tiger's Fury (5217)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cat Form (768)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Bear Form (5487)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Prowl (5215)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Moonfire (8921)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Rake (1822)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Wrath (5176)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Rejuvenation (774)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Ferocious Bite (22568)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Growl (6795)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Elusiveness (21009)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Quickness (20582)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Languages (76252)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Nature Resistance (20583)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Wisp Spirit (20585)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Weapon Skills (76300)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Armor Skills (76275)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Fatigue (134732)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Pet Training (119467)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Auto Attack (6603)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Shadowmeld (58984)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Revive Battle Pets (125439)
      [11:07:19.601 D] [SpellManager] Mangle (33876) overrides Mangle (33917)
      [11:07:19.602 D] [SpellManager] GCD check spell set to Feline Grace
      [11:07:19.606 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler  from event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB; it is not a member
      [11:07:19.606 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler  from event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED; it is not a member
      [11:07:19.606 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB with handler 
      [11:07:19.607 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED with handler 
      [11:07:19.617 D] Set query filter to Alliance
      [11:07:20.752 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE with handler 
      [11:07:20.752 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event QUEST_FINISHED with handler 
      [11:07:21.242 N] [Singular] info: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Combat Bot, Plug-in, Profile, or User
      [11:07:21.602 D] Downloaded tilemap Azeroth
      [11:07:21.699 D] Changed map(s) to Azeroth
      [11:07:23.901 N] Stopping the bot!
      [11:07:23.903 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      [11:07:23.927 D] Activity: 魔兽兄弟停止
      other folder is E:\桌面\Honorbuddy\Bots\fpsware library 2
      is it right

      Attached Files:

    4. hbkx1

      hbkx1 Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      Correct, this bot is not working and will not work until the FPSware says it will.
    5. EuGoldservice

      EuGoldservice New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      Didn't FPSware stop working on his projects ?
    6. kiskamira

      kiskamira New Member

      Jan 25, 2012
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      I hope not :( Need my RaF bot/Lazyboxer!! RaF leveling is a pain now! :(
    7. riverratt

      riverratt New Member

      Feb 4, 2013
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      Has anyone heard from FPSware, is he coming back or did he leave.
    8. crack00r

      crack00r Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    9. Slite62

      Slite62 Member

      Oct 16, 2013
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      Yeah, he is loggin in here, but no posts, no word, he's not active on Skype... Dunno what the deal is, unless Blizz banned his donated accounts as well and he decided to throw in the towel as far as developing goes.
    10. riverratt

      riverratt New Member

      Feb 4, 2013
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      well maybe he is just tied up with family obligations, I hope , hopefully he will let us know something so were all not on pins and needles
    11. imdasandman

      imdasandman Active Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      the issue with this bot base is it is throwing errors due to gear weight now being handled by hb core instead of a plugin or in this case built into the bot. I will wait for fps to come back to fix it... if not I will try to fix it and post the edits here to at least make it complie and run again.
    12. hbkx1

      hbkx1 Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      Thx sandman, this is truly a great botbase and would love to see Bossland and the team incorporate even a small part of this, if party mode would just follow me around outside of dungeon would be enough!!!
    13. andon15

      andon15 New Member

      Sep 26, 2012
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      WeightSet Cludge Fix


      I needed the RAF bot working ASAP so I made a quick change to the QuestHelpers.cs to fix the WeightSet error that many people are getting. However, this change is less than ideal since HB keeps trying to undo the change I made.

      What does this fix do?

      It removes the part of the code that was causing the error. Due to this change, the bot will only choose the first item in the rewards list and not based on how good the item is for your character.

      Disclaimer: Use of this fix may cause problems with HB, the end world or anything in between. I offer no guarantees or help if you can not get it working yourself

      Steps to getting the bot working:


      1) IMPORTANT: Backup the two FPS-raf folders

      2) Donate to FPS! His bot bases are so good and a man can not live off praise alone!

      Before you run the bot:

      1) Replace your FPS-raf folders in your ""Honorbuddy\Bots" with the backups you took earlier

      2) Run SVN update on the folders for good measure. Make sure that FPS has not fixed the problem already as well!

      3) Navigate to "Honorbuddy\Bots\fpsware-raf-bot\trunk\Questing"

      4) Replace the QuestingHelpers.cs in the folder with the edit one in this post

      Starting the bot:

      1) Start HB normally

      Note: HB will detect that the folder is not correct and force it to update. For example, mine said "Build 9 of Fpsware Library V2 will now be downloaded". This is why you have to replace the folders after every launch!

      That is all. Hopefully, this helps some people!

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
    14. mihaimyh

      mihaimyh Member

      Aug 4, 2013
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      Can you attach the 2 bot folders from your computer? I stil got errors even with your fix.
      Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
    15. andon15

      andon15 New Member

      Sep 26, 2012
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      Attached are my two FPS-RAF folders with the cludge fix. I tested the file before uploading and it worked for me. I should have clarified in my post, but this fixes the "WeightSet" error, for my computer at least. I am also only running the bot on one account and have no idea how it will work if you are running multiple HB. If you are getting a different error or if you are running more than one HB I can not help.

      Attached Files:

    16. mihaimyh

      mihaimyh Member

      Aug 4, 2013
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      Yeah, i've managed to make it to work with multiple instances of hb, but somewhere in the code must be a setting to disable the automatic update untill Fps comes back with a permanent fix.
    17. andon15

      andon15 New Member

      Sep 26, 2012
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      WeightSet Cludge Fix for Lazyboxer

      Someone asked me to do my quick fix for FPSware Lazy boxer as well. I have only tested this on my computer and my disclaimer "WeightSet Cludge Fix" applise to this as well. Remember this fix will prevent your bot from choosing the best quest rewards and will force it to take the first one listed.

      1) Backup your FPSware Lazyboxer before doing anything.
      2) Consider donating to FPS are always good! Time is money friend and this bot has saved me countless hours!
      3) Navigate to "Honorbuddy\Bots\Fpsware LazyBoxer\Helpers"
      4) Replaced the "QuestingAndInteraciton.cs" with the one in this post
      5) You are good to go!

      Attached Files:

    18. alex4honor

      alex4honor New Member

      Jan 23, 2014
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      just make the file writeprotected, that should be enough for now...

      If I would be fpsware and all my Acc's got banned and all new donated ones as well, either I would be done with it or maybe I would try to get a private *** outside of NZ, maybe somewhere with a bit more privacy laws in the country... But I have no clue where that could be ;) I guess his IP is constantly being observed by blizz and thats why he gets banned so quickly again.

      Either way, its a pitty hes gone... I loved and appreciated his work!
    19. TaeTae

      TaeTae Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      Am I a retard or is their no download link for this after the mile long page of instructions lol.
    20. hbkx1

      hbkx1 Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      Yeah you must be or just to lazy to read the previous posts before yours :cool:

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