I wasnt real sure where to put this post but here it is. Ive been using HB for about a month now and am impressed so far, so thanks for the work. I want to get another acct to 80 for farming in Cat so I made another acct using RAF. Whats the best way to lvl it? Should I party both accts to get the 300% xp or too risky? If I do that would I set one to RAF and one to questing or both to questing? Thanks in advance.
The best way to do RAF is to have 2 new accounts. RAF them two together, Get them to 15 and instance boost with your level 80 through multiple instances repeatedly. Or if you wanted to you could set them to grind with HB as it supports RAF!
lvl 10 Shadowfang boost with lvl 80, with my mage i did 2 min runs and 12 lvls per 1 hour playtime, however you have to wait after each 10 mins for an hour However as tech trees changed, i dont know if its still that nice to use the speed (on dmg boost ) combined with arcane, or even possible anymore
Ok so I can party them and let em grind it out when im afk and boost the new acct with my 80. I have access to another acct with another 80. Would they get the 300% xp if i partied the 3 accts, the 80 and 2 RAF accts?