Hi, Todd2008, It cannot be determined a priori. Basically, you have to go ahead and bind, then examine its value. Its the only way to obtain the information. Here's some info from the InteractWith documentation regarding this: Code: [COLOR="#008000"]// BINDING AT AN INN: // Gossip entry 1 is the "Make this inn your home." option in Thaegra Tillstone's Inn in the Stormwind // Dwarven District: // <If Condition="Me.HearthstoneAreaId != 5150"> // <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="44235" InteractByGossipOptions="1" /> // X="-8365.76" Y="594.658" Z="97.00068" /> // </If> // The only way to obtain the "area id" for the Condition is to actually set your hearthstone, // then use the following command with HBConsole (or Developer Tools): // Logging.Write("AreaID: {0}", StyxWoW.Me.HearthstoneAreaId);[/COLOR] For future reference, questions such as this belong in the Community Developer forum. cheers, chinajade