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  • Tips on Making tons of gold or gold cap?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Braiiniac, Mar 11, 2014.

    1. Braiiniac

      Braiiniac New Member

      Mar 8, 2014
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      Hi guys. I'm new to botting and for a long time now I've really wanted to get tons of gold. I've heard Honorbuddy was a great way to make gold, but I would love some tips on what profiles I should run to get a lot of gold; Whether its farming ore, herbs, ench loots etc.

      Keep note I am only running 1 bot.

      Thanks! :cool:
    2. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      if you haven't found the old threads, i'll keep it simple.

      1/ Shuffle profiles make the most money in game. generally.

      but it's a long, long process. and it's a ton of work to process items into new items, and the economy has to really support a shuffle profile,

      i.e. you need lots of buyers for the end items in a shuffle, or it will not make you money.

      the upside is, you can maintain a huge inventory of items people want, i.e. the ToT crafted and BoE 480 weapons for fresh level 90's going into LFR,

      the downside is, crafting those weapons requires an army of alts with about 8 professions maxed out, each with daily procs that requires a diligent or organised / OCD personality.

      there's a reason those crafted items are rare.

      the shuffle relies on having alts that can use the proceeds from inscription, tailoring, BS, LW, JC, engineering, to craft items that each alt can use to make more heavy-duty items, i.e. daily proc items usually.

      it requires knowing what can sell, and having a bank alt to hold inventory and stock items. the shuffle can work well if you put hours into it.
      every day.

      for months.

      without any profit or reward. but when it works, it works well.
      other times, you're just the 30th person to log in selling the exact same things as 29 other people.

      2/ gathering generally produces the least reward, most effort. but it's steady work, and you can determine your own hours. plus you can move inventory between alts.

      really avoid profiles, don't gather for more than a few hours at most, or alternate your gathering times, and switch areas frequently.
      in general, gathering herbs/ore will draw attention to you from players and devs if you become the sole source of gathered items on the one server.

      moderation helps, but if you can afford to lose accounts, go nuts.

      3/ dailies. and rep items.

      you can get around 500g/hr with dailies. it's dull, but you can do it. sometimes more, often less, but 4 hours of dailies should net around 2200g and some BoEs/mats for resale.

      and with rep, you can farm up the rare or exalted faction items. (not that many BoE or tradeable rep items unfortunately)

      you can get the mount patterns for JC, the larger bags (daily proc again), and a few items from the MoP factions, klaxxi/AC are kind of useless.

      mostly useless. there's still a bit of gold in it.

      4/ fishing. and cooking.
      fishing is on par with the vegetables from the tillers farm, especially those items that are unstocked on the AH,

      fish/veg can go from 3g each to 10g each, depending on how the AH is on your server.
      if you farm about 50-100 of each on a few alts, or, buy all of the pumpkins if there's less than ~50, resell them at a comfortably higher price (flip)
      get the deluxe noodle carts and/or banquets and make those
      (the amount of raw mats are usually 500g per cart/300g per banquet, selling them for 50g might be good or bad. check the competition out)

      5/ battle pets.
      about on par with transmog item farming, but it's also doable. old BC and LK raid content, easily soloable.

      the pets are still about 1k to 3k each, the handful of boe green items can be 10g to 1400g each if you have an audience who will buy transmog weapons, etc.

      6/ pvp items.

      harder to manage, but there's very little sellable PvP gear apart from crafted sets that are weaker than TI gear. probably a non-starter for most people.
      Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
    3. assitoni

      assitoni New Member

      Aug 3, 2012
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      get a profession and sell flasks on the AH

    4. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      people still buy flasks on your AH ? it's been so long since i've seen them for more than 20g each.
    5. kurfer

      kurfer Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Anything seems to make money except for JC, JC is pure shit on my server. MUCH more profits selling ore.
    6. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      pretty much.

      the "goblin" approach is to find a niche, and exploit it.

      i.e. check a review site like TUJ and see what people are doing in that profession, i.e.

      https://theunderminejournal.com/category.php?realm=H-Earthen Ring&category=cooking

      https://theunderminejournal.com/category.php?realm=H-Earthen Ring&category=jewelcrafting

      Alchemy Flasks
      https://theunderminejournal.com/category.php?realm=H-Earthen Ring&category=alchemy

      https://theunderminejournal.com/category.php?realm=H-Earthen Ring&category=blacksmithing

      etc. the Crafting/Gathered titles at the top show,

      and for each item, "available" and "current price" in green (good) and red (unprofitable).

      what TUJ won't tell you easily is if the item is useless or too high in price.

      that comes from common sense, i.e. if you don't know what the item is, and there isn't any for sale on the AH when you look,
      odds are that either it's extremely popular,


      nobody else knows what it is either.

      take a lot of common sense with you when making lists of items to craft in bulk.
      if you look at each item, it usually has a confidence index, which shows wether the item is going up, or down, and the volume of sales.

      but again, for big ticket items, you have to know the customer, common sense applies.

      will a fresh level 90 have 3k or 92k to spend on 522 gear, or will someone who just plays LFR or PvP have about 7k to spend and not 12k on a 553 boe drop.

      so is the upgrade worth it, or is a flask/enchant more in their price range instead.
    7. kurfer

      kurfer Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Flasks and Hypnotic dust are still my go-to sellers, that and some old items from Cata that people seem to overlook...
    8. Nightrain111

      Nightrain111 Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      i got some thing for you to make a bit of gold your not goa make huge amounts tho running one bot but enough to buy things u need

      1st) step professions you want mining for sure then alchemy transmutemaste not potion and if you can get another toon with jc
      these 3 are best in my opinion

      2nd) step mine ore ghost iron smelt to stacks sed to alchemy transmute to trillium bars trillium my server selling for 1 k a stack in 2 hours i can get 5 stacks sells fast
      so thats 5 k in 2 hours

      then you do same thing mine again ghost iro ore but this time send in ore to jc to prospect it u get imperial amythest wild jade and
      vermilion onxy and also the rough stone tigers opal i cant remeber the green one lol but u send all that to your alchemy buy a stack of golden lotus and trasmute the less comon green orange and purple gems
      in to vermiloi onyx ad imperial amythest and wild jade and with them you make primal diamonds they also seel good and fast 300 g a gem on my server

      this is only on method i do this runnig 2 bots while i play my main account and im now making 15 or more k a day
    9. Nightrain111

      Nightrain111 Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      sorry key boards stuffed
      plus my grammar is bad haha
    10. Nightrain111

      Nightrain111 Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      lol your doing it wrong then every one needs gems

      check this place out you can see ur server and it tells you whats in demand on ur server

      WoWuction - WoW Auction House Online Tool
    11. Rayne01

      Rayne01 New Member

      Apr 8, 2013
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      I loved the honesty within that, that was like, oh yeah, and, well, my grammar fuckin' sucks and what?

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