Hello, I'm trying to make my first profile to farm diablo. it seemed to work in parts when I would start from point to point, but it won't walk up the path to him properly or detect that it completed. Maybe someone with more experience can take a look and help me fix it? Please and thank you! This one works! View attachment PrimeEvil.xml
cool thx bro ^^ looking forward that made someone this profile, why u need this? well diablo is the only one who drops 100% Legendary's after restting quests,but he also got a good drop rate... even i you didnt do reset its maybe boring but thats just the thing of diablo 3 farming like crazy :/
This might work give it a shot not 100% if it will but it's your best bet really, Code: <!-- Move North to engage Diablo --> <TrinityExploreDungeon questId="114901" stepId="10" SetNodesExploredAutomatically="true" until="FullyExplored" boxSize="80" boxTolerance="0.01" pathPrecision="40" timeoutType="GoldInactivity" townPortalOnTimeout="True" timeoutValue="60" ignoreMarkers="True" ignoreLastNodes="3" minVisitedNodes="10"> <IgnoreScenes> <IgnoreScene sceneName="Entrance" /> <IgnoreScene sceneName="_N_" /> <IgnoreScene sceneName="_S_" /> <IgnoreScene sceneName="_E_" /> <IgnoreScene sceneName="_W_" /> </IgnoreScenes> </TrinityExploreDungeon>