Hoping for Wildstar, seeing as ESO feels like a rushed and broken game lol... I can tell you I sure as hell wouldn't pay for that game. Either way, I think the game should be under more development...
maybe we have something in development for...well...we we let you know when we have something to announce
Probably WildStar. Since you can actually buy game time with in game currency, I can see that there will be a HUGE demand for a bot. I wish it wasn't so sci fi oriented, I am having a hard time fitting in I still like it and will play it though Buuuut, we are forgeting a slim chance that the bot might not be about an MMO
Got my hopes up for WSO as well, all though a bot for ESO would probably make the game run smoother for pc gamers who don't use console controllers.
lol, I dunno about that bud. They have quite a decent fan base, Pretty much guessing it'll float for a bit and crash depending on whether or not they fix the stuff in the beta. The game just feels too out of date with the game play, Didn't think about it too much since the product feels so rushed it's not even funny. I think they might pull a Final Fantasy XIV lol... That'd be too damn funny if you ask me though.
It's the Elder Scrolls Online or less likely Eve Online. ah, ESO ^^ Everyone says that ESO is the new WoW Killer (lots of games say this though I think) but I think that it will provide a lot of userbase.
That's amusing. Sure you could bot hearthstone, but.. /shrug . Wait for the iPad version, as the API would be easier to generate a low rez frontend for a bot to simulate play and emulate the player , or at least learn play by watching others, failing on a huge level, and recording successful moves, a la Starcraft botting. The other way, creating profiles or logics would suck. a heuristic logic system, using genetic algorithms or alternate core logic, would play a simulated AI vs AI , cache and store the winning plays and all the results of a random deck, with thousands of simulated games with the same deck, each bot player would start with a small genetic seeding of known good moves, so that each bot learns to play off a few good moves, but learns independently. Idk, genetic algorithm logic is fun stuff. Also, definitely TESO
An HS bot would be awesome, i really want to know how well the bot would do.. By learning for example what combinations of cards are played on what class a bot who played a lot of games could predict what cards an opponent could have and what the chance is that the opponent has them in hand or not. By knowing the own deck he could as well compute the chances of drawing specific cards. With this knowledge there are a lot of algorithsm to compute the "probably" best turn.. (for example random game generation like Monte Carlo algorithm) I dont know if they are planning a bot that complex but it defenitely could do really well.
It won't be anything special, this'll be like pet battles. Hell they could use the same setup as the pet battle system that's up now and just add the algorithms for certain decks. Either way there's only one play style in HS, and on that note it's like playing any card game it'll either win you over to see if you can "catch em all" or you'll just walk away like the majority.
It's more than likely neither WSO or ESO. But if it is, WSO please, ESO when playing the beta just felt wrong as an MMO
At last another that agrees with me that ESO is too rushed to be called an MMO... It's a FPS MMO with melee weapons which feels so wrong on a pc, but I'm sure with a game console it'll work itself out.