I can't find a reason for it, and are you using the start bot function or relogger? Hi, the relogger will restart wow/bot when: - wow window does not exist - bot window does not exist - "Can't see player health" is visible in gatherbuddy info window - "Not connected to WoW" is visible in gatherbuddy info window - "Please auth first" is visible in gatherbuddy info window - "Not in game or Me == null" is visible in honorbuddy info window you can also change: Global $debug1 = 0 to 1 then you will get messages with infos, why it is restarting wow/bot I dont know, why it is restarting your wow/bot, or is your GB closing itself after the "patrol2Invalid ExecutorRand Injector used in extension method" message? Hm, 1.9.2 runs with 0% cpu usage for me, 1.9.4 aswell. But you can try to change in 1.9.4: line 3103 Code: Sleep(100) to Code: Sleep(1000) this will make the checks between the accounts a bit slower, but shouldnt matter
Well done bryt this is awsome program Please tell me i have 1 question how i can only start wow without GB and HB when i start wow program all time chacking "Wait for visible Button 15/60" after 60times here relog all wow how i can make that no chacking for "Wait for visible Button" so i need for AH wow accounts becouse i don't need GB and HB /SO SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH/
doesnt work with latest HB GB's runs fine, but HB's just start once, and kill and start and kill doesnt start the next, seams to not reconize that HB is running
It says it tries hitting the start button, my bot starts, but it doesn't detect it that it hit start so it eventually restarts and tries again.
Incredible programme, HIGHLY recommended. Any sort of status window though? Edit: I'm dumb, got the status window working.
I am sorry for misinformation. My WoW folder is probably messed, my WoW starting about 40 second(90% of that time, hdd don't working). If I set 45 sec in config, botstarted work.
What does "Wait for visible Button" mean? I get this message with a count down of 60 seconds, then after 60 seconds it closes both WOW and GB without GB evening starting. Any reason for this?
Been using this relogger for a while now, and it's been doing great for the most part Sometimes though, it closes all clients and starts relogging them for some unknown reason.. I'm sure the internet is up and all since it just happened a few minutes ago while i was playing another online game on my main monitor (i have 2 monitors). And i have the status messages disabled cause it gets annoying after a while, and the issue happens randomly. Is there anyway you could get it to produce any sort of a log? Thanks for putting your time in this project
It's really bad for me, it makes uavaible to login, coz it starts WoW wierdly, puts there a battlenet acc selector, but i dont have multi acc and when it trys to login it says Bad game version etc.. Plz help! I am on EU win7 64 bit.
It waits for a visible HB or GB button, go in Settings -> Path check HB if you want to use it for HB and uncheck it for GB do you have HB checked in settings -> path? download the new version, in Settings you can now check log, it will create a log.txt in your script folder (only logs actions from relogger and not the startbot function) btw, in settings -> relogger you can uncheck "Relogger checking message" this are only the "checking acc, xx/60 until next pingcheck" messages sounds like your World of Warcraft\config.wtf is written wrong. Start the botstarter, click on Start bots, right after your wow starts press F5 to stop the botstarter, then open the config.wtf and tell me what's in there, except your acc informations ofc
before i hit Botstarter, everything is fine, but it modifies badly my config. I am on EU win7 64 bit.
and with that config you get a bad game version? I have pasted your code in my config.wtf with edited accname/realm and I had no problems at login
idk. it says unavaible game version. I am on EU. I dont know what the problem is, i will have a look to acc folder.