just keep getting auth error over and over, can login on http://hb.authbuddy.com but not on the bot.... starting to stress me out someone help. ive removed firewalls uninstalled firewalls/anti virus added as an exception ive tried everything short of a reformat! still nothing
HB is down m8, thats why When you enter chat room there will be a topic saying "Honerbuddy and gatherbuddy, still down while working on this mornings ninja patch" So take a look tomorrow or the days after. They will announce in here when it's up running again.
nyei go check releases new version is out they havent updated chat yet..... and ive tried closing and re opening, tried re downloading and installing still nothing
Krazee i see your spelling skills and basic english just let you down mate? Poor guy try reinstalling with the work around
[22:46:29:484] Authenticating.. [22:46:29:528] You need to buy Honorbuddy to use over level 20. [22:46:29:530] Please visit http://www.honorbuddy.com to buy Honorbuddy. Buy HB and it works fine.
teddy unless ur helping please stop posting, and boss was a link i found in a similar post on the release, had it in the last release aswell was hoping it would be fixed this release, i cant connect to the link in the connections/problems forum
ive bought HB i just didnt type my login on that log cos i just copied it quickly, makes no difference same problem
Authenticating.. Could not connect to the authentication server. It may be too busy to process your request. Please wait a few minutes and try again! Authentication failed. Whats the deal?