Hey guys, sorry if this is already answered. I did search before but my question isn't quite solved. After reading through several stories it shows that running multiple accounts is doable and recommendable. I tried running my macbook with bootcamp to use it for another account but bootcamp keeps screwing up and needs me to reinstall windows so this is no go. I want to have my main account not in anyway associated with my botter account. Is this in any way doable that is not more then 10 EU a month? Some kind of Windows emulator within windows. Is this done by someone before? I hope you guys can help out. Thanks!
Just another story why apple sucks. Why is reinstalling Windows a nogo? Regarding your problem: Ive not heard of anybody who was dual botting (one account botting other playing by hand) where both accounts where associated in any way. Just dont make the ordinary misstakes like stripping your botting char completely naked on level 85 and send all gold to your main account.
But still it doesn't feel totally safe. I Raffed 4 accounts together and no ban was given. But then again What IF..