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  • I New and have question help :}

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by silnybicu, Mar 27, 2014.

    1. silnybicu

      silnybicu New Member

      May 3, 2013
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      hello i have question i first day use bot and read forum for take good ideas.

      1.For Bank account i need 25lvl or i can have 1 lvl and save there me items and orbs? [ i booting on 60lvl and i hide items on 1 lvl account i can do it?]
      2.what plugins or whatever i need for better working bot?
      3.if there are any pluginy or others to get less frequently ban?
      4.better is change maps? [2h on one, next 2h on next?]
      5. how many hour can botting for by safe +-?

      thank all for help, and sorry for my bad english
    2. Deimos

      Deimos Member

      Jan 11, 2012
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      1: You need to have a level 25 to be able to trade items back and forth. I'm not sure if drop trading would work.

      2: This .cs will leave an area if it has certain monsters. More info in the linked thread. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/exileb...mobs-all-seeing-eye-rima-etc.html#post1426934

      3: Unfortunately no.

      4: Can't help you on this one.

      5: I bot all day. Some people don't bot long at all. There's always a risk in botting so in my opinion you should go all out. Bot as much as you want, don't bot scared. If you can't handle the risk then botting isn't for you.
    3. silnybicu

      silnybicu New Member

      May 3, 2013
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      25lvl need to be sure not to get banned on the bank account? or to the power of trade?
    4. silnybicu

      silnybicu New Member

      May 3, 2013
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    5. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      If you make a new account, you have to level a character to 25 to be able to "export" currency. You can "import" currency at any level though, but it won't be able to leave until you get to 25.

      As to some of your other questions, you cannot hide items from the developers. You can assume they track everything and if they were determined to trace an item and everywhere it's been, they could. Most of the time, it's probably a waste of effort unless it involves dupes, a random exploit, or corrupted items, so they resort to general methods to try and identify people RMTing. They obviously don't catch everyone, but they just have to catch enough to keep people questioning if it's worth it or not.

      Plugins, there's not many. There's a few that show how to do different things, but the problem right now is that they can interfere with the bot and how it's setup, so they only should be used if you understand what can happen. As time goes on and the bot is updated, we'll have more plugins and docs for users to do things they'd like.

      In terms of safety, this game is a lot different than most others. Some people manage to bot a ton and are never caught, while others don't quite make it that far. Bot detection is server sided, so it can change at any moment, and there's nothing you can really do other than hope you don't get caught. Botting time is a factor, but not the only one. If you're botting an area that is a known boting area, on a new league where GGG knows people are going to be trying to RMT, then you could only be botting for an hour and get caught if they are looking really closely into accounts at random periods. This is a small game, and they are in control of everything, so if they need to make adjustments to the game to affect botting, they not only can, but have shown they will.

      A good example is the default Hardcore League. The last statistics GGG showed, the population of players was about less than 3% of the total population. At the time around ~60k players were included in those stats, so that's less than 2000 people playing Hardcore. Trying to bot in a league where there's that few people playing, is hard because there's no way to blend in with everyone else. It's things like that, which can happen in this game that you don't really think about in other large mmos (as PoE is not a mmo!).

      I'm not trying to deter you from botting, but in this type of game, it's not mindless botting where you can just sit back and bot and never worry about anything. The game is always changing, and they are actively pursuing botters and RMTers because it's their game and they actually care about it (which is a very good thing). Botting can be challenging in this game, especially if you're trying to play in a hardcore league, but it can be fun and profitable if you're willing to put in the work.

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