So I bought several unlimited uses of honorbuddy and I cant get it working. I have a macbook pro w/ retina display and am currently using parallels to attempt to operate WoW and honorbuddy on windows 7. I got WoW to work on the windows portion of my macintosh but whenever I try to use honorbuddy it says "honorbuddy has encountered a problem, we are sorry for the inconvenience. " What can I do! I feel like I have wasted 60 euros for nothing.
if you would, please post a full log as an attachment so we can see whats going on.
download and install this. after your done restart your pc. if your still having issues after, upload a new log as an attachment.
so what can i do? Would anyone be willing to add me on skype and try to do some troubleshooting? My skype is: Swarmocity
download the latest version of honorbuddy from here. after that do a CLEAN Install into a new folder, do not re-install to an previous installation and do not copy over any plugins, combat routines or quest behaviors into this new installation.