Good to see someone is filling in the exact role of how a hunter should play in a BG. Current CC's will be melee'ing or standing too close. Well when you need a tester, let me know. Other then that goodluck with the debugging
I'd would like to thanks ZenLulz for all the work he do for me and for the community, i'm really happy to have pushed him into honorbuddy development. After his first try with LogMeOut, i can tell you that his cc works really well, my three hunters are already PvP geared. The reactivity and all the movement part is really great. I think we can also thank all the developer community of this site, for all the ideas and the work already done. Zen is a young talented developer, we are working together, he is our apprentice, he doesn't finish his formation but he can already do the job of a skilled developer. He codes some amazing softwares for our IT management. And now he is trying to get into the world of injection. Keep an eye on his work because it will be better and better. And i encourage all the people who love his work to click on the PayPal link in his signature. PS: Zen, now you're playing druid, what should we expect ???
Actually, I cannot develop for HonorBuddy these weeks. Be sure I'm going to post here as soon as I have more details. EDIT : I used Live Movie Maker and AdobePremiere for the editing. I don't plan to develop another CC. But, who knows...
That's the problem with seeing a great trailer like this one... We see it and want the product... almost would be better if ppl wouldn't post something like this until it was at least ready for alpha testing. But hey, that's just my opinion, right?
CustomClass released here :