Hi, Libe1991, and many thanks for those logs. It looks like you've got some serious Windoze 'permission' issues going on that is preventing proper Honorbuddy operation. Please try the following: Do a 'clean install' of Honorbuddy → Be certain you install it with Windoze admin privileges → You can find the full instructions here: HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy When you launch Honorbuddy, be certain you are doing it with Windoze 'admin' privileges → Right-click on the Honorbuddy icon → Select "Run as administrator" If you are not off-and-away after this, please show us a fresh log. cheers, chinajade
when I try to install the installer, from administrator but I do not run anything .. still loading and gains no installer does not start
download the latest version of honorbuddy from here. http://updates.buddyauth.com/GetNewest?filter=Honorbuddy after that do a CLEAN Install into a new folder, do not re-install to an previous installation and do not copy over any plugins, combat routines or quest behaviors into this new installation. follow the instuctions here on how to clean your caches. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/108771-help-desk.html#post1067458 after that, from your wow launcher run the wow repair tool to make sure your copy of wow is fine and complete.