I have started a new warrior to level but was wondering what is better for grinding... FURY or ARMS? thanks!
given the current status of available CC's fury quite definitely. I have a C.55 warrior atm currently leveling with the FPSware's default warrior CC. Admittedly his gear is 15+ levels old now aside from BOA 1handers chest and shoulders he pulls 4-500 dps in fury but only 200 in arms (think this is a CC issue presently). Fury got a massive survivability buff, so many abilities that generate health, bloodcraze, bloodthirst (glyphed), victory rush etc means I have regularly seen my warrior stroll into a group of 4 or 5 mobs 2 levels above him and walk out with 95% hp.
Fury it is I have noticed Fury is doing really well too! I think I will stick it out with all the new buffs. thanks for the input!