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  • How can I switch toons, profiles, and bots?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Vociferate, Apr 15, 2014.

    1. Vociferate

      Vociferate Member

      Jan 6, 2014
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      I am using HBRelog - and for what it does, it works amazingly. Does exactly what I need it to!

      However, as for the settings, (If this is even possible??) I haven't found anything in the program that allows me to logout a character after "X amount of time"and relog onto another character with a different profile?

      Is anyone familiar with this?

      If HBRelog cannot do this, can you point me in the right direction? Would love to set up a few farming profiles to take care of farming and another toon for Auctions.

      Post a bunch of auctions then log off the game for an hour and then continue again....

      Is there anything that is capable of this?
    2. Jericho316

      Jericho316 New Member

      Aug 29, 2011
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      HBRelog does allow this as i use it myself

      Im at work so cant remember the exact settings but "Wait" and "Idle" are your friends here

      You'll want to make your task list look sSomething like....

      Wait (Time you want to run the profile for)
      Idle (Logs the char out, waits for the idle time)
      Logon (char info, different profile)
      Wait (...)
      Idle (...)
      Logon (char info, profile, etc)

      Note that you dont put a logon as the first thing in the task list, because the profile logs in the first time anyway and THEN starts the task list

      so for your situation, create the profile with your farmer as the login info, then do Wait, Idle, Login(banker), Wait, Idle, Login(Farmer) and you're set
    3. Vociferate

      Vociferate Member

      Jan 6, 2014
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      Enough said - holy jesus.

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