Hi people i had a question, With the next maintenence planned for today @ 5 till 7 am is there gonna be a new little ninja patch? Iff yes is hb going to be down for a update? Iff yes is there a way you guys could pre prepare for the patch so people dont have to wait again 2 days.. Iff not then nothing happend and everything will be ok i guess.. Thanks in advance
think i spreak for the dev... Honorbuddy will be updated when need 2 be updated.. how long its gona take.. honorbuddy will be done. when its done XD alwase wanna say that
this is only slightly relevant to the topic here, he was wondering if there was going to be a ninja patch and will hb need to be updated again never said anything about how long the hb update would take thanks for your great input thou well anyways there might be a small update that will change the offests again but thats unlikely there isnt to many bugs left in the game so far but who knows thats why its called a ninja patch they dont tell anyone before hand, so you wont find any information about it anywhere i.e. patch notes
Read again. He said, ..."so people dont have to wait again 2 days..". How would anyone in this community know if there was going to be a NINJA patch? Pretty much by definition a NINJA patch would be one that no one would know about.
Im on US servers and there is no patch, hb is working fine. For maintenance all they did was do rolling restarts. Morga
^^this^^ And I have not heard anything about any patch, and I don't believe they will implement a new one, as their (WoW's) expected downtime is a few hours shorter than usually - it would be the first time that Blizzard does more work in less time.
Thanks everyone for information i just was woundering iff HB would go down or iff anyone knew about a upcomming patch with the maintenence.. Thanks morgan and others
lol. ok. that made it worth it. no patch today. no downtime for hb. let the thread die before i pee myself.