The new feature of "Queue for Raids not Completed" is very buggy. It is constantly queueing for multiple instance. PLEASE BRING BACK AUTO SELECT BEST RAID PLEASE << THIS NEW STYLE IS AWFUL
I'll have to go back and reread things but mine is saying i've completed all raids for this week when I haven't run any. clear cache thing? [DungeonBuddy 660]: Queuing for RaidFinder Bot stopping! Reason: You have completed all of the selected LFRs for this week Also when I try to load up specific raids the list will not load. it says fetching a list but never comes up.
Hey my dear community, the questing bot works perfectly, but when I go for the Dungenbuddy my Character starts to use his homestone and then it even starts the Que, and also accept if there is a dungeon found. But.. then in the instance... my char does not follow the tank and just run around and attack elite mobs. Can you help me for a properly Dungeon please? Oh and the second problem is that he also loot for stuff I dont need ( like a dagger, and im Hunter ) . Kind regards, firifox
Still getting an error where HB wants to crash and send a bug report and won't load specific dungeons or raids. Also how to clear it from saying I completed all raids for this week.
That's not solving the issue where its not loading a list as intended. There isn't an option for random raid either, there's specific and uncompleted which I can't do since it is saying I've done them all this week when I haven't.
Yes it is the solution if you cant load a list. Try everything like 'farm' and start the bot.. Then the list loads
Please DB to work with Mixed Mode. Accept Invite worked perfect with HB V. 2.5.9958.729 The new function to check the raids by myself is a veeeery nice idea. Sometimes my char joins a new raid and is leader. perhaps you can make another function that DB grants all player to leader. I hope everybody can understand my english -.- Go on with your great work !!
How can I force DungeonBuddy to run random scenarios with a "tank" behavior or "ignore following" behavior? There are no roles for scenarios. My gear is good enough to solo any scenario so I don't want to follow any group member or wait for them.
So I've used dungeonbuddy to level near 20 characters with RaF my only complaint is that for what ever reason when I'm botting a healer they wait so long to move with the group it is insanely frustrating watching this thing run. I just let a warrior tank run nearly full afk with no issue what so ever, but I drop a holy pally into the mix and there it goes again waiting 7 years to walk his slow ass up as the tank is dying, while the hunter that I have queue'd with him has no problem what so ever. The main time I see this is right after a boss kill I just watched them kill a boss and the entire group is a mile down the road killing trash along with the hunter that again is also botting and retard paladin is just chilling.
heimy your queueing as a hunter and pally?? mine works just fine im queued as shaman (resto) and feral druid
How is movement set up? Do you rely on your CR to do movement or do you have combat movement enabled in DB (prefered).