Rift Bot (no plugin required) A New Take of Rift Botting 1. What it does? Farms Rifts, then goes to town and turns in the quest after killing the boss 2. What you need? Newer Version of Trinity (.22 or higher) 3. Known Issues None 4. Changes v1.7 - Used the quest and step tags for rifts to smooth out the whole operation, tested it a few times and worked for me... does not use the new trinity tags so should work with older versions v1.8 - Major changes to the fail safe when townstone is found, increased range on finding portals and guardians (still testing and trying to find issues) **CREDIT: NoWayLoL and the people who farmed the data for Rifter, it made a great template and I didn't have to hunt for so much information
This profile is no where near the same as the other 2 and if you find an issue with it let me know. I have watched it successfully do over 4 rifts We all have our own way of approaching a problem
Thanks, just started trying it, not working so well for me :/ On first run i ge stuck in Horazon's Realm 2, bot just spams this and doesn't move: [Trinity] Found Alternate Object 176001! [Trinity] Found Alternate Object 176001!
I wrapped a trinity dungeon explore that looks for all portal actorid only if the level specific exit hash exists nearby to use the explore navigation to go to portals. MoveToMarker keeps taking a straight path and getting stuck for me. If the exithash is not nearby it defaults to an explore dungeon that looks for all guardian actorid. If a guardian is found it will loot and town portal to turn in. I also wrapped that whole thing into an if statement to run only if the stone isn't found. If it is there is a seperate if statement to fully explore if it is level one or leave the game. Last I checked Rifter runs on an if wrap of whether a guardian is near and relies on the RiftComplete feature which wwasnt working for me. The other rift bot required a plugin and is structured around that plugins tags. Messaging on a phone sucks
Are you using 1.2? I lowered interact range to fix this and it tested good on mine. It was registering the portal under as being within 15 units so I dropped it to 5
Other than the horaazon realm issue which I believe I fixed it should be close. Always test something with your own settings to be sure.
Testing now... it doesnt leave right after killing boss, im watching it as we speak its finishing the full rift
Did it town portal before looting everything? That would probably restart the level and not realize that it just found a guardian. I will try and come up with a fix to handle forced town runs. I have my bot set to legendary and crafting mats only so I haven't seen this first hand
Just did a run with it, didn't leave after killing the boss, explored everything and never ported out, even when it found the townstone.
Finished first rift flawlessly, all loot correctly picked up. Left and handed in but then got stuck at chest spamming "[Trinity] Cannot use TrinityExploreDungeon in town - tag finished! Boss Defeated" Even after the rift was completely closed, had to manually restart. Edit: Just finished another, same issue.
I reached a point at third dungeon of the rift where it just says "[MoveToMapMarker] DestinationWorlId matched, finished" over and over again, and the bot dosen't move but it still use skills.
Changed If statements to zone specific while loops, should fix this issue Changed a few things that should fix the town stone issue Were you running v1.2? If so then the fact that you were moving to a mapmarker means it was within 5 units of the poral. If you were running a version previous to v1.2 it has trouble with distances of portals beneath it. This issue should be resolved in v1.2 and higher, please let me know if it isn't and I will come up with a better navigation.
Doesn't seem to work. If it kills the boss, it'll explore everything until the town stone, and only sometimes will it recognize the situation and head back to town. Other times it says something went wrong and d/c's. If it finds the stone before the boss, it'll just leave the game completely.
The leaving when it finds the stone level 2 or lower is intended to prevent it looping the explore non-stop, it needs to leave the game because there is no other way to reset a rift that it can't complete with redundancy of going back levels (which could be done and I will work on it) The not leaving after boss kill is odd as it works when I test it, do you recall if it used town portal in the middle of looting due to full inventory?
I was v1.2 yeah, i'll try and test out 1.4 now. Tested v1.4, and after 3 complete rifts with no errors, it finds guardian in the fourth but dosen't kill it. It just clears area and tp back to town. There it enters the rift again but just stands there using skills and no movement. After running to the guardian manually i found out that the guardian was one who disappears shortly spawning monsters and then re appears. Perhaps thats why the bot thought the rift was over and tp'ed out?