WSG waypoints are so bad. It get stuck on everything trying to follow players and walking around in tunnel and middle isnt something any does. It gets extra bad when another botter is inside the WSG, since its super obvious. I will try to make a new one, once i get a hang of it abit more. Anyone else had these problems?
Is there a good guide for this? Not a brief explanation... WSG goes well for me, but after 20 runs or so suddenly he doesnt go from res stone to a place he knows. If i manualy bring him there, he's ok again . Weird...
I certainly understand why nobody would post their specific profile for any BG. But those of you that have created your own - any chance of some general guidelines? I've (to the best of my knowledge) created a proper mesh, added appropriate hotspots and am continually cursed with toons acting...well..."bot like"...banging into walls, passing targets, etc. Incredibly frustrating. For example: WSG. What i'd like to build is a profile/mesh for a simple circutious route from the flag room, down the tunnel, hook a left, upstairs, down the ramp and back into the flag room. I've mapped this many times, added my HotSpots where I thought appropriate - and more often than not, the toon ends up in the middle of the map completely lost.... Random question: Would it be good/bad/stupid to generate a mesh for an entire BG (for pathing info) but still only have a few hotspots particular to method of play? (shoot me for that poor sentence construction)
Appreciate the prompt response. Can you elucidate at all? The "system" changing as in HB, the BG or something else? thanks!
yea, im not saying shit, but if you actuily looked theres a lot of tutorials on how to mesh and make a profile, people just need to rtfm, and actuily look for the information they need instead of making new and ever more pointless threads.
Although while I am bored and on the subject, some tips on mesh/profile creation: - Make them on a private server, it is loads easier and you don't have to be running around a live battleground. Instructions are in a thread around here (!&highlight=private+server) - Don't mesh too close to obstructions, I always stay 10-20 yards away from things I don't want to get caught on. - Try to mesh in about the path you would normally take - Make sure your mesh paths form complete circles (dont run down one side of wsg, then another, without linking them both) - Test your mesh and remap spots where it runs outside of it or gets stuck, this is the hardest part because you have to watch the bot. You can do this in private too.
If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he'll eat for the rest of his life
ski - t hanks for the tips CodenameG - belive me, i understand when you say rtfm. daily frustration w/ me in my job. i would hope that my feedback to you on the FrostMage CC would at least give you some indication that I'm not lazy/clueless... as always, thanks for the help and your contributions in general
really if you didnt ask someone else would have, its nothing personal. and really i enjoy your feedback and wish i had more users who are reporting back on their experience.