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  • Tyrael Radar Solution

    Discussion in 'Requests' started by TheLastOfUs, Apr 24, 2014.

    1. TheLastOfUs

      TheLastOfUs New Member

      Apr 21, 2014
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      I am in love with Tyrael, it is an amazing thing to use and its softlock option, for reasons I don't know, allow me to keep 30-40 fps rate while combat/any other bot with any form of locking puts me down to a steady 6fps with heavy lag. Yet I often am not using tyrael because of the Radar plugin which allows me to put partial names, or ids, into it and have it show up on the radar (a red circle window overlaid onto wow, but not drawn).

      Is there any solution to this? When using tyrael and checking dev tools I still get Ids/etc from the list, so I don't see why radar wouldn't be able to list anything. Also, there is no error code at all, so I don't think a log is necessary, but if it is, just say so and I will get one made.

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