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  • Watching and AFK Solo MM Hunter

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by TheLastOfUs, Apr 24, 2014.

    1. TheLastOfUs

      TheLastOfUs New Member

      Apr 21, 2014
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      I am a Solo hunter, I rarely queue for dungeons or raids, but when I do I use tuan's routine which works wonders. Second DPS ranking if there is a geared rogue inn the party, first any other times. Yet the same routine, or any for that matter, fail me miserably in all forms of soloing except 1v1. So what I am asking for it:

      Auto Hunters Marks --- EVERY target, if hunters mark is not applied, apply it.. I won't often see Tua do this in dungeons, so I am spamming it myself making afk dungeons while watching tv no longer afk.

      Routine for Solo group combat --- Making the pet tank, focusing damage, casting aimed shot more often instead of spamming arcane, etc etc... I often wish to fight a group of 3 or 5 enemies, yet I have to stop the bot to even be able to do this.

      Set traps, if an enemy is attacking me head on, set a trap and then disengage, although with fighting near hills this would be a bitch so just setting traps would be fine.

      Never cast steady shot at 85 focus or above, the amount of times a steady shot has been cast at 98 or 94 focus is absurdly high, and usually will leave me casting another while already at 100 waiting for chim shot to come of cool down instead of casting an aimed show.

      Face target --- Since we always want to face the target, I noticed Tuan doing this 99% of the time, but the other 1% of the time would be nice too.


      When fighting another player:

      Hunters mark
      Any interrupt/slowing shot
      Disengage + slow trap
      Chim + Bind arrow (or wyrm to put to sleep if that is the talent)
      Aimed shot
      Kill shot/glaive toss if still alive


      Thanks to anybody who can help.
    2. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      I'm sorry for the lack of support of MM hunters in YourRaidingBuddy, I've recently re-made BM hunter and I will next week re-make MM rotation as well (including adding auto-facing support for your currenttarget)

      Regarding "Auto Hunters Marks" is a fairly easy thing to add, and I promise you I will add that to the list to-do next week.

      The only thing I might not have time to do is making a logic for "Set traps, if an enemy is attacking me head on, set a trap and then disengage, although with fighting near hills this would be a bitch so just setting traps would be fine."

      I will however add a trap function if your currenttarget is attacking you and not the pet. You can pm me with your skype if you want instant updates regarding this.
    3. TheLastOfUs

      TheLastOfUs New Member

      Apr 21, 2014
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      Thanks for the reply :). I am extremely happy to hear this. Sadly I don't have skype.

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