Hello. I'm new to this Bot, and i've bought the trial Version in order to check how is it working. I've tried some Combat Assistant; and they work very well. What i'm trying to figure out is how to make a Grinding Profile. From what i saw, Blackspot and Hotspot have nothing to do with them. Am i right? All that is needed are Arcs and Node. In order to configure a Zone i'm supposed to run 'around' the zone where i want the bot to clear, and that's just it? Is there any way to determinate a 'Center Point', and put a number which means the Radio around which the char is gonna Clear? If someone can help me figure out how to make a decent Profile, it'd be great. Thanks.
i haven't try the combat assist but making a profile on grinding is easy its always a trial and error. anyways you click profile / then Create / waypoint then run around were you want to kill monster but first you need to click or target monster then add them to target. add all the monster you want to kill .. make sure you need to get around obstacles like trees, rock and elevated area. save the profile then i always restart the bot for smooth sailing ^^... need help just haller
So, the Bot will follow the Route that i do while setting, not go inside the 'circle', or zone that i'm going around. Is there any way to set it in the other way? Setting a center point etc?
the bot will follow the blue circle you make so you need to walk around where you want to kill your monster..
Currently there are three kinds of grinding profiles: Waypoint - You plot out all the area where you can walk manually. The bot then connects these areas and uses them as paths, and only fights targets within X distance of the nodes. Mesh - Bot uses raycasting to generate a bunch of nodes where it thinks you can walk, its pretty acurate but has issues with things like fences that have holes in them. OrderBot -This uses true navmesh navigation and gives the best results. All you need todo is create hotspots and the bot will target the named mobs inside of them. Currently these take a bit more effort to create as there is no automated proccess but editing the xml is very easy. Here is an example profile: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=mSuzpiC9
Orderbot seems to work really good indeed but is there a way to get the current player XYZ cords faster than manually inputting them from profile creator into the xml grind profile?
I'll add a dev tools tab soon. For now use the reborn console plugin and do Code: Log(Core.Player.Location);
Hello, Thanks for the tips mash, it was not that obvious to tweak a profile. I feel something is wrong btw, since i cannot use the default profile you linked to. My toon keeps getting stuck between 2 points. Can't see what is wrong i have tested with different routine (magitek and kuppo) both resulting in the same "hesitant toon" coming back and forth ! I have attached logs if you need further example