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  • Rift Bot - Yet Another Rifter!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by DyingHymn, Apr 17, 2014.

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    1. darkcloud

      darkcloud New Member

      Mar 28, 2014
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      ahww .26 isnt officially released yet anyways right? so bugs are to be expected :3

      aaaaallsooo thats a trinity problem soo yeah but ahw everything is running amazingly well for me

      here is what you may find will work perfect for you as well :) !!

      1. using the latest version of demonbuddy beta .349
      2. trinity .24 works like a charmy charm :) the gold inactivity timer is also working (aaand it has been recommended by dying hymm seriously literally a thousand times xD)
      3. using questtools 5.0 and rift bot 0.8 it works just amazingly well :) !!
      4. trinity settings suppliede by oskohode (oh god sorry if the name is pelt wrong im writing this from my memory and i have no idea how its spelt :p love you oksohode<33)

      -> 1. Unpack the zip to a folder of your choice.
      2. Start Diablo and login to your account so you get to your character screen else you will get an error in Demonbuddy.
      3. Start Demonbuddy.exe
      4. Insert your key to login
      5. Click on the "Plugins" tab and enable QuestTools, Trinity and RiftBot
      6. Exit Demonbuddy
      7. Delete the "CompiledAssemblies" folder inside your Demonbuddy folder
      8. Start Demonbuddy.exe
      9. Click on the arrow next to the "Settings" button and enable "Open Loot containers" and "Open Chests". Loot Radius 100/Kill Radius 80. Repair Durability to 25% to make it work correctly.
      10. Choose your preferred difficulty under "Game Difficulty".
      11. Save and Close.
      12. Click on the "Plugins" tab. Click on "Trinity" then click the "Config" button.

      Trigger range for Elite Combat = 45
      Trigger range for Trash Combat = 30
      Minimum Trash Mob Pack Size = 1
      Trash Pack Cluster Radius = 30
      Disable"Force Kill Summoners"
      Set Treasure Goblins to Kamikaze (Decrease this option if the bot tries to walk through walls and over cliffs to get to him)
      Enable "Attempt to avoid AOE" and "Kite to Avoid Death on Low HP"
      Disable "Path Around AOE", "Avoid Savage Beast Charge", Attack Mobs in AOE" and "Avoid Fire Chains"

      Container Open Range = 30
      Enable "Open Chests"

      "Enable Gold Inactivity" = 180

      As for the rest of the settings in Trinity, set to your own preference. These settings help the bot do the rifts more smooth.

      The profiles to use is inside the Profile folder.

      Everything is updated for best performance with this profile.

      try it once and youll agree this works like a charm :) !!

      grettinnnggsss :D !! and lots of love to dyinghymm and oksokode for this amazing profile and like seriously ALL THAT EFFORT INTO SUPPORTING THIS THREAD O_O !!

      like holy shit people read the front page and the faq it cant be that hard


      looveeeee<3 :) !!
    2. mutant13

      mutant13 New Member

      Apr 26, 2014
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      where do i can download trinity .24 ? Can't find link on trinity page or search.
    3. darkcloud

      darkcloud New Member

      Mar 28, 2014
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      downlod oksehodes package its included there !!

      its the second post on the front page (page 1)

      its always updated by him :p now go mutant and rock some rifts :*
    4. pedrocash

      pedrocash New Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      19:25:49.429 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Rift Bot Common/Explore
      19:25:49.466 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Setting Window Title
      19:25:49.467 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Window Title Set
      19:25:49.495 INFO ToggleTargetingTag ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:80
      19:25:49.496 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 5b267d98-4194-4a0f-8374-373d65ece7c9
      19:25:49.607 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] fa2c9e28-72e2-4467-ae44-632b641de131
      19:25:51.281 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      19:25:52.331 INFO Logger [MoveToMapMarker] DestinationWorlId matched, finished
      19:25:52.352 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 60f9de20-c00c-492a-b55d-a94ad028f5fb
      19:25:52.353 INFO Logger [MoveToMapMarker] DestinationWorlId matched, finished
      19:25:52.442 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f65759d1-bfb5-42aa-acfa-38902a0d2773
      19:25:52.465 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] afd4d63d-9b27-4e8b-a8e4-9f2cd2cd77fa
      19:25:52.559 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 76306e7f-0c0f-45b8-8cc7-c34dd22f9bd7
      19:25:53.559 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 5bc37f2e-d619-4e9c-a311-2efea9310ada
      19:25:53.835 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Rift Bot Optimized Explore
      19:25:53.858 INFO ToggleTargetingTag ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:80
      19:25:53.859 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f76e49a6-f080-4c08-9607-6a5545c00dc9
      19:25:53.967 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 820b23d7-0aad-4c6a-9575-655ae9d6c327
      19:25:53.970 INFO BotMain Stopping the bot. Reason:Failed to locate profile.
      19:25:53.971 INFO BotMain Session lasted for: 01:30:12.0415367
      19:25:53.971 DEBUG BotMain CurrentBot.Stop()
      19:25:54.173 DEBUG BotMain Navigator.Clear()
      19:25:54.175 DEBUG BotMain TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
      19:25:54.176 INFO RoutineManager Chose Trinity as your combat routine
      19:25:54.178 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] 858d0708-e382-46dc-b830-86521ae2549b
      19:25:54.180 DEBUG BotMain OnStop event
      19:25:54.182 DEBUG BotMain OnStop Event Invoking
      19:25:54.187 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
      19:25:54.188 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
      19:25:54.192 INFO BotMain Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?

      View image: X1 LR Level03

      PS> not left the game yet. I's a big map. I'll try to clear it then see if i can make a picture.
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
    5. imsad

      imsad New Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      I found something really interesting today, im not too sure if this was brought up before.

      When the bot got stuck and the inactive timer kicks in, a simple restart of the profile ( 0 movement required, just click stop and then start) will make the bot unstuck and move on without touching the game.

      So I am wondering is it possible instead of waiting for the inactive timer kicks in while the bot attempting to unstuck, can the bot restart the profile on his own when the bot is attempting unstuck for the lets say the 10th time? :)
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
    6. erxxlu

      erxxlu New Member

      Jan 8, 2013
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      Good point I do that quite frequently when I see the bot got stuck or doesn't realize he completed a bounty. After the Stop-Start it just works again!
    7. pedrocash

      pedrocash New Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
    8. aztala

      aztala New Member

      Jan 17, 2013
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      Untitled-1.png Untitled-1.png My bot wont proceed to next area stuck at door or portal he wont take them
    9. Morx

      Morx New Member

      Jun 29, 2012
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      Is there a way to have the bot logout if you hit 500 rift shards, as to not waste them? I suppose it doesn't matter much, seeing as its the legs per hour we like, but would be a nice option.
    10. spideytoto

      spideytoto New Member

      Nov 19, 2013
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      only problem for example : i must delete the line Data\rbc\rbc.xml for write only rbc.xml if i want the profile work

      thanks a lot for your job
    11. imsad

      imsad New Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      [Trinity] Loading new profile.
      Loaded profile Rift Bot Common/Explore
      ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:80
      Loaded profile Rift Bot Optimized Explore
      ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:80
      Loaded profile Rift Bot Optimized Explore
      [Rift Bot] Explore Small Cursed Hold with TrinityMoveTo. Bot will not stop when boss spawns/killed.
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="967" y="817" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Reached Destination x="967" y="817" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="954" y="959" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="954" y="959" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="732" y="961" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="732" y="961" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="725" y="841" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="725" y="841" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="721" y="647" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="721" y="647" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="724" y="478" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="724" y="478" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="800" y="486" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="800" y="486" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="802" y="675" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="802" y="675" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="800" y="486" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="800" y="486" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="959" y="482" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="959" y="482" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="961" y="705" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="961" y="705" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="839" y="729" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Reached Destination x="839" y="729" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="837" y="840" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="837" y="840" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="968" y="822" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Reached Destination x="968" y="822" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="1010" y="890" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="1010" y="890" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="1165" y="877" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [LumberJack] Compressing log file 10644 2014-04-26 10.39.txt, age 00:40:28.9249266
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="1165" y="877" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="1105" y="823" z="0"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Reached Destination x="1105" y="823" z="0" 
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="1028" y="814" z="-50"  name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
      [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Reached Destination x="1028" y="814" z="-50" 
      [Trinity] Loading new profile.
      Loaded profile Rift Bot Common/Explore
      ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:80
      Loaded profile Rift Bot Optimized Explore
      ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:80
      Loaded profile Rift Bot Optimized Explore
      [Rift Bot] Explore Small Cursed Hold with TrinityMoveTo. Bot will not stop when boss spawns/killed.
      Since I do not have the time to dig the profile's codes for the new Cursed Hold, so i cannot tell what is the condition for it to move from Small Cursed Hold to Medium and so on, but currently it is not working for me.

      Attachments are the in-game map when I stopped the bot and from map viewer

      Trinity .24, QT .50, DB .394, Riftbot .8

      Attached Files:

    12. tonari

      tonari New Member

      Jan 10, 2012
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      Just want to apologize for the previous post where i stated that the pack from post #2 doesn't work. I was away for the afternoon and decided to turn off the pc, now i tried it again and works like a charm with the same pack.
      This is really weird but i wont complain.
    13. Akuma

      Akuma Member

      Apr 23, 2014
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      Testing this ATM
      First run: the map was the prisson - bot started running in circles around the map and not taking the portals to go to other platforms. Inactivity time kicked in and bot disconnected
      Second run: no prisson map - all cleared, boss killed and looted, bot disconnected without casing in quest

      Third run finished, boss killed and the bot is still "exploring"

      Any ideas on the first one with the prisson map?
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
    14. NetSkay

      NetSkay New Member

      Aug 29, 2013
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      went back to .24, works 100%, .26 just stood still for 8 hours, the gold timer doesn't work
    15. Oksehode

      Oksehode Active Member

      Apr 3, 2014
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      If everyone just read the first 2 posts in this thread and download the zip file in post #2, 95% of all the issues would be gone.
    16. Qetyip

      Qetyip New Member

      Apr 10, 2013
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      Loaded profile Rift Bot Optimized Explore

      What is this? ^^^ Just curious. When I load the explore one normally it leaves out the optimized word, but when I reopen demonbuddy what's that mean there.
    17. Oksehode

      Oksehode Active Member

      Apr 3, 2014
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      Don't worry about it. :)
    18. Akuma

      Akuma Member

      Apr 23, 2014
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      Did download your file from Mega (not the one on second post but the one you posted recently when requested) and i have the issuesd i mentioned :( gold inactivity seems to work fine and the issue only seems to be on some maps (prisson only so far) and that the bot keeps exploring after the boss is dead or just leaves without turning quest.
      I'm selecting the profile named "Riftbot Common" as i guessed the other ones were to do bounties and get keys first and other to kill all the mobs in the rift. To be sure i just started from scratch removing all and re downloading your file, will post once i get some feedback on current runs.

      I'll eat my words now, after fresh installation the bot completed the quest 2/2 (yet no prisson map)
      Noticed there is no EZUpdater on your folder and i guess it's on purpose to avoid getting new trinity version and such, right?
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
    19. ABuH

      ABuH New Member

      Dec 6, 2013
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      Hey Guys!

      Why have this "exclamation point" at the folders?
      I don't know if this was the reason to bot stops walking at some dungeons..

      What I do:

      Open TortoiseSVN and clicked at "SVN CHECKOUT" and update root of my DB folder, at the log show me some "conflicts"

      ps: DB was closed.

      View attachment 126830
      View attachment 126826
    20. gotteshand

      gotteshand New Member

      Jun 7, 2012
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      Next time can you please make sure you stop the bot go back to the enterance and go to DB -> Info Dumping -> Dump Objects and post the output of that along with a screen of the explored map and what you posted above..already. thanks <3
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