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  • [PLUGIN] Pokebuddy - Gotto kill em all!

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by maybe, Oct 26, 2012.

    1. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      there is a debug option that you can enable for this.

      stop HB, configure Pokehbuddy to use the debug information (2nd tab, right side of the tab, just below the update button)
      Then start HB in combat mode, and see what happens when it is in range of a pet to battle,

      check the game is still glitching, and also read the HB log to see what it thinks is going on, or if there's a glitch.

      if the debugging information it provides doesn't show the problem, just attach the log of that event to the post and we'll work it out from there.

      it could be a number of things.
      Last edited: Mar 24, 2014
    2. kuw84

      kuw84 New Member

      Dec 6, 2010
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      SO many settings that seem to not be used..??

      What do we do for pets without logic? Also how can we favorite like 10 pets and have it grind them 1-25, biggest issue i have is getting it to CHANGE PROFILES past level 4........PetArea doesn't work!??
    3. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Not much needs to change in PB. It is a test version, after all, so the possibility exists to change things radically or improve. It is not finished.

      When WoD pops around, we might need a few alterations (aura checks, menu and LUA changes, gender checks,etc.) but the code is fine. Another pet plugin or bot could always be written, but the die is cast.

      The other thread where they put the older PB code into a bot, it looks interesting, but it has some of the same problems from 2012. And 2013. And 2014. (It has been that long...)

      As for logic,

      The logic collection isn't extremely hard to build, it's just filling the 600 pets in the database. 5-10 a day, for 2+ months, etc.

      Perhaps the logic sharing thread should be resurrected...


      The quick logic works for the initial swapout, it's not ideal, but it only needs to work briefly. And it does.

      favouriting works, I'd recommend starting with getting the 40+ pets listed on the wowhead celestial tournament guide, and putting those in the short list for favourites, warcraftpets forums also has a good short list of competent alternates, or go with color and family, etc. whatever works.

      Then, set the options in BPS to use favourites, wild and rares, and it should boost the lower levels up. The pets listed are some of the more overpowered and tactical pets to choose from , and if you ever get to the tournament, you'll probably need about 40-60 pets to get a solid win, unless you ...follow the guides...

      As for petarea,

      Petarea is an old plugin, it can be updated to support using more profiles, more frequent zone changes, and so on. Yes, it's a bit broken, but most of the functionality should very likely not be used as is, because it relies on static gb2 profiles, a definite no-no.

      Yes, pet battles are safer than grinding or gather profiles, due to the slow pacing, frequent and random pauses, gaps between navigation movement, but the detection issues are the same, mostly with the gb2 nav and flying between nodes triggering bot detection.

      Will people level pets for 18 hours a day ... Yep. Have they ? Yep. Does it ruin it for everyone else ? Yep.

      Still, Battle pet collector should work, I can't recall if it needed updating, but it should be the better option, as it swaps profiles frequently and doesn't stay in a zone for more than an hour.

      Both plugins can be integrated into one, it's a probable step forward, Both have advantages, negatives. Etc.

      For what people want to use it for, Pokehbuddy is fine as a plugin, it just needs a profile for horde/alliance to nav between areas, (probably a quest profile) and a few LUA macros to scan the overall lowest /highest pet level so it will move to the next area or trainer quest. It's nothing too overwhelming, a quest behavior that scans the pet journal for the lowest level pet, and moves to the next grind area, moving from zone to zone.

      Won't really replace pet area, since the quest would have to use static grind areas, so same problems as before. And people will still use the static profiles way longer than they have to, or should.
    4. darfwarior

      darfwarior New Member

      Mar 30, 2014
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      hey. I am using Battle pet swapper and pokebuddy for catching and lvling my battle pets. Last time i used it was within this month. Today i thought i would continue lvling my pets, so i opened my bot and noticed that while the bot is running it doesn't swap pets before the battle. Bot keeps the same pets all the time, from the time i start to the time i stop the bot. When i previously used it, i was running it for example 5-8lvl pets, only favourites, only blues, and it would lvl up everything that matched these criterias. Did that change?
    5. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Depends on which version of pokehbuddy you use, the latest version has a custom version of bps, which requires a bit more configuration than the old version.

      There's 2 pages of settings to check, and then it will work as requested.

      If you have both the version of pokehbuddy with the pet swap features and the separate bps plugin, Remove the plugin.

      If you modified the older plugin to work with framelock and pulse, it should work as it always has. (requires a change to the code)

      If you want to disable the pet swapper in the new pokehbuddy, untick the first box on the 3rd party addon tab.
    6. darfwarior

      darfwarior New Member

      Mar 30, 2014
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      I managed to get it swap pets before battle, although it goes ringer mode. It doesn't matter as long as it lvls up different pets. Will post if i got any more questions. THanks mate :)
    7. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Not a problem.

      It is locked into ringer mode. The other settings are not enabled, because the UI doesn't have the options. Not a huge problem, it simplifies the configuration.

      Ringer x1 works fairly well, and you can bump the minimum value of the level used up to 20, so it will pick 20,20,25 or 20,20,22 if you set the pet swap values that way.

      I do have a list of zones which could be inserted into the pet swap code to auto- pick appropriate pet levels, but it has a fairly limited appeal. It just dumbs down and user-proofs the choice of pet level when travelling to new continents or new zones. Good for automatic levelling of pets or capture profiles. For regular levelling, it would swap to level 1-3 when in main cities, and also swap while flying between zones.



      If you do need to change from Ringer x1, the PB code can be changed if you take some of the code from the original bps pulse( ) section, and insert it with the newer pet swap code.

      It's just a few extra lines, but then you can't configure using the GUI as there's no GUI options to undo the changes.

    8. zorked

      zorked New Member

      Mar 23, 2013
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      While Questing turning in Quests cause the plugin to "war" with HB about who is able to control the char resulting in silly movement and stucks. :/
    9. zorked

      zorked New Member

      Mar 23, 2013
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      Okay, I found a dirty solution (with the help of Darkchaos):

      I added a drop out for the pulse of the plugin.
      if(Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.GoalText.Contains("Turning in") || Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.GoalText.Contains("Picking Up") || Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.GoalText.Contains("Loot"))
                  { return;
      This added in line 371 directly on the start of the "public override void Pulse()" function in the "Pokehbuddy.cs" file.

      It helps atleast with turning in Quests and picking new ones up.
      The movement sometimes still derps out when the bot tries to reach a new hotspot. But atleast not in the Questhubs and Cities where the most players are.
      toliman likes this.
    10. evolutionadam

      evolutionadam New Member

      Jun 22, 2013
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      I'm not sure why, but mine seems to only sometimes pulse BPS. I've had the most success downloading from the SVN link and enabling the BPS within Pokehbuddy. It works a few times, then stops responding. It also keeps using the detonate ability on my Blackfuse Bombling first, which kills it. I can't seem to get BPS to NOT want to select him and use this ability. I'll gladly send a log to whomever can help me get this working again. I'm using gatherbuddy and a single zone profile, trying to use Ringer x2 mode.
    11. Blackister

      Blackister New Member

      Jul 13, 2013
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      When i try to refresh the pet info en advanced settings always crash with this message.

      Sin título2.png
      Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
    12. vicbaldry

      vicbaldry New Member

      Apr 12, 2012
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      Hello, first of all I'd like to say this is an excellent plugin - and thank you for all the hard work you put into making this available. I've been trying to use it to level pets in Slot 1, with 2 x 25s in slots 2 and 3. I tried both "Boost pet in slot 1" option as well as "Auto Boost pets in slot 1" option. However, it's incredibly inconsistent and keeps defying what I'm trying to do. Here is where it falls down:

      - Fights with slot 1 pet until it dies
      - Engages with 1 or 2 pets dead (even though the option is set to not engage unless all 3 pets are present)
      - Sometimes swaps slot 1 pet before it even hits anything
      - Does this weird thing where you have all 3 pets pretty low (at maybe 20%) and it just keeps cycling through them but doesn't attack with any

      Am I doing something wrong, or is there another setting / comprehensive guide to set this up?

      All i want is for it hit once with my slot 1 pet, then use my slot 2 and 3 pets to finish the fight - then rinse and repeat until the slot 1 pet is 25.
    13. exort

      exort New Member

      Feb 23, 2012
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      Hello everyone!

      First let me thank the dev for an awesome plugin. Pokebuddy saved me loads of time and made my achievment farm fairly easier.
      Currently I mostly finished leveling and collection achievements, and came close to PVP pet battles. I wonder is it possible to farm PVP pet battles with Pokebuddy. It would also be awesome if someone could share his/her pet setup and pet behaviour settings.
      Thanks in advance!
    14. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      For reasons, and I don't know what's changed, the bps settings are swapping the first slot ok, and ... the combat logic is rearranging the order of pets that start combat, so the 2nd, 1st and 3rd and then rearranged after or before combat. Or during.

      So if you start with ringer with 2 25s, and a level 20, then change the bps setting to a minimum level 5, by the 5th to 6 to 10th battle, they will all be level 5. And playing with low health, etc.

      I have a feeling the pet swap code is running at the wrong times or the pulse has been blocked or assumed to have changed,

      in addition to the advanced combat setting somehow being set, which is possible. Didn't check this out at the time, will try to cause this again to see if its code or user error.

      If the pet swapping pulse is trying to swap pets while in combat or dead or while in a pet battle, it will assume that the process worked rather than recognise the failure and try again later, or preventing a pet battle until the soft lock has cleared or the health condition has been successfully altered.

      tbh, I haven't played in a while, during an update defaults may have been "updated" and I never checked.
    15. l337pally

      l337pally New Member

      Jun 24, 2011
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      Any chance you could post the code change? Love the new plugin version as ive been using bot base + bps plugin for ages but i cant get new plugin to swap out new pets after battle like the bps plugin does.
    16. FischFutter

      FischFutter New Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      Guys i need help

      It´s been a while since i used Pokebuddy. The plugin got lots of changes.
      I use the german version of HB, i have no GB2!

      - When the bot starts a battle he changes the pet to my lvl 25 pet. But i dont want that.
      - How can i made a profile for my pets and save them?

      And I need a new HowTo for this plugin :D

      thx alot
    17. Princeofdarkness

      Princeofdarkness Member

      Feb 14, 2010
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      Can anyone explain to me why the battlepetswapper, when running in relative mode, keeps using lvl 7/8/9 pets instead of 20-24 level pets while i'm in pandaria?
    18. scotty6

      scotty6 New Member

      Oct 30, 2012
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      HB crashes when I try to open the settings for this plugin. Any ideas?
    19. l337pally

      l337pally New Member

      Jun 24, 2011
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      Any way we could get the BPS portion updated to allow an option for rare/blue only like the plugin has? Also its not as big of a deal but would be nice to have it swap out pet after battle like stand alone plugin does, right now if i set to lvl a pet from 5-10 it will keep the current slot1 pet all the way through instead of switching to another pet when the current one hits next lvl. Either way its fine but rare/blue only option would be a great addition. Thanks again for all the great work so far
    20. Byakko

      Byakko New Member

      May 5, 2014
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      I have an issue and so far I haven't seen anyone else write about it. If so; I'm sorry.
      Anyhow.. I fly around Borean Tundra, the bot finds pets and starts the battle but will not start attacking. I keep getting the message "[PB] Going to load 33416331 species Spawn of Onyxia" The numbers and species differ depending on which pet I have first. I have updated, reinstalled, moved around, renamed...
      When I open HB, select Pokehbuddy and press Settings I get an error message and HB crashes.

      Fixed it. Needed to update PB
      Last edited: May 8, 2014

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