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  • [Official] Honorbuddy Update Status - Patch 5.4.8 (Build # 18273)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pascal, Aug 29, 2013.

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    1. citsu

      citsu New Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      What you mean? Auto level up? It should work to auto level up if you fill the configuration xml manualy. Actualy i have in leveling GF on 60% +- DC on 90% +- TR on 75% +- to get name of skills.

      Auto equip? In last updates i have improve many in Auto equip to support rogue and hunter (Hunter only on start, had no time actualy to test it)

      Combat routines? Another class are not so good for boting (From my point of view), but i can make it if i will know the prefered combos which are the best for boting on class.
    2. BlackHaze137

      BlackHaze137 New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      Please make this bot better!!
      I can not understand why the developer of Winterbuddy invest more time!!
      Neverwinter is currently the best mmo on the market and it would be worthwhile!!
      But will make instead of the half-finished things done and I do not see paying for a 25 euro!!
      So I buy only a test account for 3 days to see if something has improved!!

      Citsu makes a good work without it would be nothing at all!!
      That's why I always donate small amounts it!!
      And that should make everyone a bit!!

      Sorry for my bad english Google Translator:)

      Thx Citsu!!
    3. virtual

      virtual Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Its not gonna happen. Its all of them not just winterbuddy. There are some other bots out there that run so smooth you are just in shock out how great they are but they dont support questing. But all of the neverwinter bots are just DEAD forums. Citsu is doing a Great Job!
      You know what Shocks the Hell out of me, and im not trying to go off topic but i cant believe they did not make a BOT for TERA Online, you mentioned neverwinter being best MMO on market, I would have to say Tera Online is the best thing right now. That Game is like neverwinter and WOW and Aion and just a bunch of them ALL rolled into one. But they Made a neverwinter bot then just abandoned it, doesnt make sense.
      Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
    4. Buywardsbilly

      Buywardsbilly New Member

      Feb 2, 2014
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      Hey citsu,

      First off, thanks for this amazing package. Without it winterbot would not be the nearly as good as it is.

      I rolled a fresh toon to see how all this would work and I'm quite pleased with how everything is functioning. I have only gotten stuck a few times and missed a few things I would have thought should have been added, but overall I'm very impressed by your questing profiles. I'm beginning to start looking at your code in order to learn how to make my own stuff for winterbot so I've been digging through it and am again very impressed.

      I do have a question, the bot missed a campfire in one of the quests and didn't heal at it (Theft of the Crown), after reading through here I see if I use ctrl+c then it will add the campfire to the list of ones it can heal from. My question is, does that add anything to the files? or, can I modify a certain file (probably config) to add the camp manually so that it recognizes it next time?

      Thanks agian! Looking forward to contributing my work in the future.
    5. citsu

      citsu New Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      thanks, yes you can add the campfire manualy also, if you press ctrl+c it will add the campfire in the config file so you dont need to know position, mapname.

      For next version (in testing) i have extend the configuration.exe for support this and also new features comming with that version.

      What you missed? I am open for ideas :)
    6. Buywardsbilly

      Buywardsbilly New Member

      Feb 2, 2014
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      Awesome, I just tried the campfire thing and it seems to work nicely. I do have a few bug reports/suggestions/clarifications:

      1. I am running a trickster rouge and I was using your plugin for auto equipping items, however I noticed that my bot would stand still randomly and decided to babysit the log. I noticed that it was equipping and reequipping the same items randomly while running or in the middle of combat causing the bot to stop fighting or running. This was a pain so I toggled the equipping off and it seems to run fine now.

      2. Sometimes coins/loot will drop in an awkward place the bot can't figure out how to get to (too high, on a platform it wasn't on, etc.) It does not seem to give up on that loot if it can't get to it. Is there a sort of time out or a way to set a time out so it gives up and moves on?

      3. It seems the bot prioritizes chests in dungeons rather than enemies so it will run through enemies to get to a chest and then when it is attacked it will take out one, go for the chest, then be attacked and take out another. Is there a way to clear the area and then get the chest when it is clear?

      4. My rouge never seems to use the left click action or dodge. Is that by design?

      Thanks! I'll keep you posted on anything new I find!
    7. citsu

      citsu New Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      :) ok,

      1. Is already fixed in the new version (not public already), with skill leveling (Rogue) and routine with stealh (not perfect but will use it :) ) release will be soon
      2. Coins and droped loot is build in of the bot, already i cant fix that (will be again feature on deeper development, and actualy i am trying optimalize the existing :), but maybe in future, BTW there is timeout 10s i think)
      3. Interesting, i havent see that, the composite have condition when character is in Combat mode then is exiting looting (mostly situation), but doesnt have implament detection of enemy (Higher performance load for very few situation by testing)
      4. I dont know what is your left click :rolleyes: (but i think if is not attacking what you have on left click then it is routine what you need), becouse i havent find anythink in api which will help with detecting red circles or so, it will be not good to use it random
    8. Buywardsbilly

      Buywardsbilly New Member

      Feb 2, 2014
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      1. Sweet
      2. Awesome
      3. I see
      4. Yea it was a routine error

      My new error is one I think you know about, but when I die in a dungeon it won't reset correctly. Also, I have a problem with how I am supposed to sell. The bot talks to the merchant but will not press '1' to actually enter the shop.
    9. citsu

      citsu New Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      Vendor should be fixed in new version, actualy in testing version i havent see this bug, but before yes. But if is selling is not so big bug then :).

      If you have enable restart profile, it will restart whole profile (not every time good), but some tasks are depend on actualy running quest so it will not start the quest from begining, after new release i recommende dont use it (Implemented full fix for injury kit using) becouse in leveling profiles exist maybe 3 dungeons where can be this feature helpfull, but in much more dungeon it will extend the run time = slower leveling.
      Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
    10. Buywardsbilly

      Buywardsbilly New Member

      Feb 2, 2014
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      Next report, I'm at about level 13-15 and doing quests and I am dying a whole bunch and the quests are getting stuck even when I don't die. So, I'm wondering firstly is the constant death because the rouge routine is not as effective and one of the other classes would be more "AFKable". Secondly, should I try to keep track of the quests that are not working properly so they can be fixed? Also, I ran into a bug where using "ctrl+c" to add camps will crash the botGUI. It didn't use to, but now it seems to every time.
    11. citsu

      citsu New Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      1. Yes actaully the routine is bad, i will then post little better but also no perfect (I cant find how to detect how much is stealh bar refiled), actually i think is best GWF
      2. You need to tell exactly in which quest, by which situation and where or better screen :) but after many testing if you are beatween 13-15 the profiles are working ok, the troubles are expanding with level :) and i dont know why, profile looks like ok but sure i can try bypass it with more conditions and so on, but for many situation where the bot stuck shoul be developed new Pathfinding Algorithm and dont use only build in game Gold Path (I have in mind this, but this will need make profile based on plugin and it will take long time if i am working alone on it, unfortunetly the core devs dont wish invest more time to make this bot better)
      3. If you are edited manualy the Config.xml and have you used bad syntax or so on, it can affect also the saving in GUI or Bot, i will bypass the crash more in new release so it will report that somethink is wrong
    12. Buywardsbilly

      Buywardsbilly New Member

      Feb 2, 2014
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      Cool, I am going to roll a GWF and see if everything works better. I assume auto equips and leveling works fine with them. Also, how exactly does custom vendor work? Are the items that are listed in the config the ones that it vendors? Is there a way to keep blue+ rarities or something like that?

      Thanks again citsu, you rock!

      EDIT: Also, I didn't edit the config file manually so I don't think that's the issue there. Additionally, sometimes when the bot changes a map the neverwinter client will crash, but it never happens when I am playing without the bot running. I assume this isn't your profile/plugins fault but is there a fix for it?
      Last edited: Apr 6, 2014
    13. citsu

      citsu New Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      Custom vendor : Sell everythink except items in list there is example with purple items ;) for blue add blue to list

      Neverwinter crash of client, hard to say, never see that during testing. After 2 patch before start issue with process frozen but that is bot issue probably and dont think it can be fixed in plugin.
    14. citsu

      citsu New Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      The area 1 is not so good, it can be fixed if will be the range for loot lowered (Low qold income but if you do only the daily is not bad, default is set i think 60) or the grind are muss be lowered to only safe area (Not so much in this area) much more better are gate 2 or 3

      for dont sell Major Potion of force you will add
      as name add Potion_Force_5 and display name for example Major Potion of Force
    15. malfuria21

      malfuria21 New Member

      Sep 27, 2013
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      thank you for reply. Is there any profile for gate 2 or 3 i can use for grind mobs?
    16. citsu

      citsu New Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      will be soon. Actually i have in testing profile for gate 2 and 3.
    17. Killaseven

      Killaseven New Member

      Jun 9, 2010
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      Can someone please sticky this post? Citsu has been doing so much regarding WB and its profiles...
    18. kabus

      kabus New Member

      Apr 23, 2014
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      I play a waldleufer'm lev 48've managed without winter buddy up to this lev
      when I start winter buddy and take the profile of citsu then it does not matter why my waldleufer
      but when I create a new character then go
    19. hellraizor02

      hellraizor02 New Member

      Mar 6, 2013
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      hi the bot seems to work up til NPC SGT Knox it just keeps talking to him
    20. hellraizor02

      hellraizor02 New Member

      Mar 6, 2013
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      nvm got it working perfect
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