Hi, so after the update today ive not been able to start the bot at all. I reinstalled it(Build 493) And it starts up well nothing wrong with it starting, but when it comes to click on start profile / Select a profile the whole thing just get errors and crashes. Please Help I attatched the log of the event(ive tried to reinstall 2 times, starting both with admin and restarting swtor aswell. What am i doing wrong/what's the issue here?
Are you up-to-date on this thread? http://www.thebuddyforum.com/buddy-...s-net-4-5-1-vc-redist-2012-a.html#post1499323
Thx for a quick reply... I did not really check if i had the .net frame that they wanted us to have, since they said its the same as honorbuddy is currently using(and honorbuddy is working just fine). Now after installing the right .net frame its all working. For those who want to check on their computer wether they have the required .net frame or not follow this guide(windows ofc) : On the Start menu, choose Run. In the Open box, enter regedit.exe. You must have administrative credentials to run regedit.exe. In the Registry Editor, open the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP The installed versions are listed under the NDP subkey. The version number is stored in the Version entry. For the .NET Framework 4 the Version entry is under the Client or Full subkey (under NDP), or under both subkeys.
You can also fire up the Control Panel, choose Programs -> Uninstall Program and see if both Net 4.5.1 and the 2012 C++ Redistributable are on the list. Cheers, -D