hey buddies I was looking into the settings from some of my plugins. And there I saw buddymonitor so I thought "okay this is that monitor plugin from HB" so I go to that site from buddystats, but that API wasn't working. so what is it and how do I use it.
I would like to know what buddymonitor is for atm also. What is the best remote out right now for monitoring bots. I have seen a few old threads in the plugins section and some under development. What do you guys use? I would like something that basically just shows my screen via live stream like remote connection or takes screen shots at set intervals. Also having chat responses would be nice. What is the current one everyone else is using?
Aside from like 4 old topics with no answer I couldn't find much about it either it was set as a core feature long ago but no info about it. Best I found was http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/137055-buddymonitor-3.html#post1362399