Hello, Just wanted to share a 'tip' that might be news to some people or might be painfully obvious to others. Basically this is just a tip to make it so you dont have to bot in a high pop server and be leveling up 1-90 with a million other players around you at all times. I have 2 wow accounts that i run on the same PC. One is my main account on monitor 1. The other is my 2nd botting account on monitor 2. I make both accounts friends on battle.net and then have my main account create a character on a very low population realm. I then have main account invite the bot account to party, make bot account party leader, and log off my main. After that the bot is left in the party, on the low population realm, so he can bot where there isnt a ton of poeple. This works nice for me because im only going to use this 2nd account to farm herbs/mines for extra income at 90. So i basically want him to get to 90 safe and secure. I think having him bot on a low pop server till 90, and then having him bot on the original server at 90 would be safe idea. tldr; use cross realm bnet friends to bot your char on a low pop realm instead of a high pop one till 90