Hi, im new and i just purchased the 3 day trial thing. I was using the "How to Setup Honorbuddy - Spring 2014 Edition" Youtube guide, but i encountered a problem when i load honorbuddy, i get this message: what do i do? edit: I've followed all the setup instructions in the Youtube video, i.e using windowed mode, 32 bit etc... extracting the files correctly... but honorbuddy just dosnt load at all
if you would, please post a full log as an attachment so we can see whats going on. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log.html
download and install this. http://download.microsoft.com/downl...-4FF2-B699-5E9B7962F9AE/VSU3/vcredist_x86.exe after your done restart your pc. if your still having issues after, upload a new log as an attachment. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log-kick.html