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  • [Plugin] BreakTakerReloaded

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by HanD, May 6, 2014.

    1. HanD

      HanD New Member

      Nov 22, 2013
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      BreakTaker Reloaded

      • Original Plugin for Demonbuddy by: no1knowsy
      • Original ported the basic version to HB by: Ramakandra

      What does this plugin do?
      Basically it just pauses HB for an specified amount of time like...

      What features does it currently have?
      • GUI for Setting everything up
      • Defaultmode - Takes breaks everywhere and under any circumstances!(I guess it will only be useful while farming herbs/ores/archology)
      • Questingmode - Takes breaks only on quest turn in.
      • PetBattlemode - Takes breaks only if you are not in a PetBattle.
      • BGmode - Takes breaks only if you are not in a Battleground.(Dont know how useful this one is!)
      • SVN to stay up2date: breaktakerreloaded - Revision 13: /trunk/BreakTakerReloaded

      What features will come soon?
      • Adding SVN Autoupdate
      • more modes
      • Some cosmetic changes
      • more settings to adjust it to your needs

      Any known issues?
      • Guess Thread.Sleep() is not the best choice for pausing HB?

      How to install this?
      • Via .zip
        1. Download the attached .zip
        2. Go to Honorbuddy/Plugins
        3. Use "Extract here"!
        4. Your Foldertree should look like this "Honorbuddy/Plugins/BreakTakerReloaded/"
      • Via SVN
        1. Go to "Honorbuddy/Plugins
        2. Create a new folder "BreakTakerReloaded"
        3. Use SVN Checkout on this Folder

      Virustotal.com analysis:
      SHA256: d1e8fed3340a061c9ab514e363bf01852089484201a671f045bdd64362f80e86
      Dateiname: BreakTakerReloaded.zip
      Erkennungsrate: 0 / 46
      Analyse-Datum: 2014-05-06 11:07:21 UTC

      What else to say?
      Feel free to post ideas what should be added!

      Attached Files:

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