Hey guys I was just running around doing some mining and it seems very unrealistic to be doing that 24/7 and one of my other accounts was banned for it and I am wondering if any of you code whizzes could rustle up a plugin that would pause the bot between lets say 1-2hrs(Can be specified by user) and when it it pauses it opens up the game menu and says in the guild something from a list of messages(Can be specified by user) e.g.: afk for a sec guys toilet break lol ^^ getting a drink brb etc. This would be really great and I am looking forward to see what you guys have to say!
Awesome! I can't wait to see this ) do you reckon you could PM me about it when your done? Thanks for your reply!
First version online: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...32-plugin-breaktakerreloaded.html#post1507016