Just bough HB for a year when I try to log in: Honorbuddy 1.245 settings list Follow Distance:1 Foodname: Drinkname: LootMobs: True LootChests: False HarvestHerbs: False HarvestMinerals: False SkinMobs: False LogicType: -1 MountName: UseMount: False Pull Distance: 24. Loot Radius: 45 Last Used Path: . Attempting Authorization Authorization Failed! I changed my password once, I can log on the website and logon page thingy. Been logging on with Honorbuddy every like minute for the last 20 minutes same error no sucess. Any solutions?
im getting the same error, its saying error buy hb, yet i purchased and have been using honorbuddy for 2 months and its really starting to piss me off, im paying for this and I cant even use it
my problem Honorbuddy 1.246 settings list Follow Distance:1 Foodname: Tel'Abim Banana Drinkname: Ice Cold Milk LootMobs: True LootChests: False HarvestHerbs: False HarvestMinerals: False SkinMobs: False LogicType: 0 MountName: UseMount: False Pull Distance: 35. Loot Radius: 45 Last Used Path: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Time\Horde1-60.xml. Attempting Authorization
[8:55:21 PM:109] Foodname: Snapvine Watermelon [8:55:21 PM:109] Drinkname: Melon Juice [8:55:21 PM:125] LootMobs: True [8:55:21 PM:156] LootChests: False [8:55:21 PM:156] HarvestHerbs: False [8:55:21 PM:156] HarvestMinerals: True [8:55:21 PM:156] SkinMobs: False [8:55:21 PM:156] LogicType: 0 [8:55:21 PM:171] MountName: Summon Warhorse [8:55:21 PM:171] UseMount: True [8:55:21 PM:171] Pull Distance: 35. [8:55:21 PM:171] Loot Radius: 45 [8:55:21 PM:171] Last Used Path: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Same\Horde1-60.xml. [8:55:23 PM:765] Attempting Authorization [8:55:31 PM:875] NOT PAID!
first of all chill out guys @justin5150 yes we know that you paid for HB and we respect your money for all payments issues you always have to PM Bossland by posting your payment issue on forums wont give you a faster solution
yeah sorry i didnt mean to come off angry or anything, just been sorta a bad day, and it came out that way when i tried to explain what was going on
@ OP, did you use capital D in your name when you logged in? sometimes it doesn't like a lowercase K in kick for me
I fixed it! I used deadlyforce to log in but then when i tried DeadlyForce like i usually do it worked! tytyty XOXOXOXOXOXO omg so much stress relieved lol
JK! It worked for a few hours now it's saying Auth Failed again. Capitals arn't fixing it anymore . Ugh...maybe it has sometihng to do with AOL 9.1 b/c it seems to edit my connection everytime I log into it.
Then, provided there is no firewall or anti-virus interfering, you can login with hb. Its the same server.
Yeah, except I don't use any antivirus and I'm almost positive there is no firewall interfering. I'm going to check on windows firewall.