No need to give a stupid answer. Those reloggers are arround for ages and their developers have done a lot for the community. Beside that, you can't just release stuff, the buddy team checks it, therefore they ensure that nothing unwanted is inside any 3rd party program.
The bot doesnt use the hunter card Unleash the Hounds. It says the card must be ignored Edit: Please fix
To everyone whining "THE GUY DEVELOPING ARENA DRAFT IS A FUCKING NOOB" get the fuck outta here, have you never used a buddy bot before? OnTopic: When can we expect to see some major API development for this bot like gilesTrinity for Demonbuddy? Imo its when we come to that stage this bot will outshine everything else, as the buddybots has always done.
where is to get info about API? thanks! UP: found sorry UP2: is there a way to choose which cards to drop on game start with API? (standard bot chooses not good at all).
[02:22:24.353 N] Checking hand cards priorities : [02:22:24.511 N] Should we play coin ? There will be 0 cards avaible once coin played [02:22:24.511 N] Card Монетка must be ignored [02:22:24.562 N] Card Чародейский выстрел must be ignored [02:22:24.571 N] Card Вепрь-камнеклык has a low priority [02:22:24.624 N] Card Чародейский выстрел must be ignored [02:22:24.631 N] Grabbing card: Вепрь-камнеклык [02:22:25.671 N] Dropping currently held card!
Is it possible for in the next update/release of Hearthbuddy, is it possible to have the bot itself go to tray when minimized? Or an option for it.
Probably something to consider is a randomizer when "hitting" the play button. something like 0-5 secs random, if u are playing for hours its not so obvious for blizz
Hey hankerspace as I sit out for 3 months due to my ban I was thinking is there anyway we could implement a feature to when the play a legendary or do like over 10 damage for the bot to automatically hit the well played button, to look more real?
meh.. demonbuddy got me banned wihtin a year and it was well developped, this one looks fishy as hell, cant even get to download it good luck on this..
Mind telling me/us how/when you got banned, how many hours u played, what you farmed/did with Hearthbuddy ?