Tested quickly and it seems to want to go towards Kadala while Trinity is forcing it towards the stash. What ends up happening is it stutters between them and gets stuck.
Thats my "hackyness" I had to do since I wasn't sure how to stop Trinity from doing its thing, so basically what I did was disable trinity while it's gambling. So in your case Trinity isn't getting disabled. What versions of everything are you currently using?
Everything should be the latest release, I'm using EZUpdater to check as I start the bot. Edit: The plugins I'm using are Trinity, QuestingTools and EZUpdater. Edit2: Trinity:v1.9.5 QuestTools:2.0.74 EZUpdater:0.2.0
What version of DB Are you using RRAR - Could possibly be forcing plugins to stay enabled? In the log you should see "Disabling Trinity" right before it starts to move to Kadala.
I did see the "Disabling Trinity but it didn't work for some reason :S I'll try again and generate a log to attach Also edited last post a second time >.>
A bit lenghty log, tried enabling debug (no idea what it does) and disabling as well. I use no reloggers or any other plugin than the ones mentioned previously. Edit: The profile I was running was Yet Another Rifter
I'll try a fresh install with the beta version and see if it works then Sorry for being so spammy and thanks for the quick replies
It does not work for me. It run back and forth. Please check the log (it happens at line 2211 in the log file. You can see distance to kadala is jumping) Thanks.
Downloaded the latest beta. Downloaded EZUpdater. Started and let the bot update everything to the newest version. Restarted, started and then forced town run. Same problem but this time it does disable trinity and buys 3 1H Weapons like I put in config. I however had ~90 shards and after buying those 3 the bot started running back and forth like last time. Edit: Well, I'm going to bed. I'll check in on this tomorrow. Thanks for trying to make this, it's been a feature the bot has been missing badly.
Sorry, havn't really messed with uploading to the forums yet, should be fixed and updated to 1.0.2 Which should FORCE trinity to be closed before doing anything. Depending on the amount of blood shards and your inventory when it attempts to start Gambling it might run back and forth a few times seemingly buying only 2-3 items at a time, but I'm more interested in seeing if it's just not working at all for anyone still.
It still stuck running back and forth. I think it happens when inventory is full and it tries to salvage/sell items but at the same time it wants to buy more items from kadala. This is a gif of the issue that I recorded. http://i.imgur.com/d9GX9MA.gif Thanks.
Could you download this version, enable logging in GambleMe and post me the full log of whats going on while it's happening.
I get the same problem. I get stuck trying to open stash, sell or salvage at a merchant. Keeps going back and forth like it's having a seizure
Ok looks like I've atleast able to sorta replicate the problem... The two things I've noticed and I'll check into real quick to see what could be the issue... I was using an Older version of Rift Bot and I was always in Act 5, when I updated to the latest version and It stuck me in Act 4 I'm starting to see some of the issue.
Yea, move to act 5 does fix the running back and forth issue. But there is a new issue. When inventory is full, it goes to blacksmith to salvage 1-3 items (but not all), then go to kadala buy more to full, then salvage 1-3 items again. However, at least it works now and I can 100% afk. Thanks for your quick feedbacks.
Yeah I purposely did the 1-3 item thing to see if I could recreate your problem, I'll change it back once I figure out why Act 4 isn't working correctly.