yes, yes there is. well - I use the mobile banking one, plenty of shuffle profiles with proffessionbuddy can do that aswell.
I'm not totally sure what you're asking about, but just guessing from what you posted, you mean something to put away gold into a guild bank? If so, ProfessionBuddy can do that. If you're referring to putting items in your bank, again, ProfessionBuddy can do that. I don't think there's a working plug-in for banking right now, though. The only thing I'm personally aware of is ProfessionBuddy. Sorry if I wasn't any help.
i'm referring to putting items in my bank. So if my Bag is full only the items i selected will deposit in my bank. And so If it works with ProfBuddy How ?? i run Dungeon gold farm profiles. Thanks for the support and quick answering on my questions. Greets,
The Mobile Banking will interrupt your current running profile if bag is full? And it will go on where left of? Greets,
It seems you want the mobile banking plugin - I use it aswell for instance running. your profile just continue just fine, however - I only use it to deposit gold, dunno about items.