Is it possible for someone to explain how i would go about having the bot only farm for titanium? In Scholozar.
i dunno how you would configure the bot to ignore saronite nodes, but you COULD use the addon "Karni's Crap Filter" to loot and auto destroy saronite ore.
It would be better to just bypass all saronite and just do titanium. i mean dont get me wrong i like farming Saronite but i want a profile that i can switch back and forth from. Saronite is crap on my server.... today its at its lowest 7g a stack.
The thing is titanium spawns on the same spots as saronite so if you just cherrypick the titanium veins and ignore saronite you'll probably get less titanium than if you just mine them all because titanium would get less spawns to spawn at if they are already occupied with saronite.
Currently its NOT possible to only harvest a specific type of node. You either harvest Herbs and/re Ore.
I'm not 100% of the mechanics but from what I understood the titanium has a % chance of spawning everytime a regular saronite node is about to spawn, thus taking its spot. So having more saronite ores mined and about to spawn would make titanium more likely to spawn as well. As I said not 100% certain so don't quote me on this but this is what my logic tells me
whatever FOOL is selling sar at 7g/stack, take it and smelt it anything that is less than 12.5g/stack on the AH = a FOOL who doesn't know the game mechanics
............ r u srs? mining = smelting. hence "level up mining by smelting" you either dont have any miners, or you haven't looked in your mining [book] edit: here's a pic just 4 u
i do that all the time.. buy all ores under x price, smelt and vendor. buy all cloth under y price, make bandages and vendor. easy money.
you sir, know the mechanics of price and demand vs price =) in redneck terms: u will get pretty far down der dat windin' road! just watch out for dem potholes and opossums!
i was like >.< .... im sure you (fpsware) cruise the boards and help moreso than i, but damn... there are so many ppl that just jump in head first and THEN find out "oh, im a crocadile shiite hole"
I actually use lootfilter with Gatherbuddy. I was having issues with getting banned on my AH accounts (flooding AH, I presume) and finding the time required to unload/deposit into the guild banks for all my farmers. Now I just have it keep only green+ quality materials (and Crystallized). My accounts don't get banned nearly as often (now only sometimes after gold sells) and it requires far less times out of my day/week. Also, I'm still able to make decent buck with just the frost lotus, titanium, Eternals, and gems.
Not specifically refer to anyone in this thread. But I've noticed that over the last 3-6 weeks there has been a huge influx of complete and utter .... idiots. People who don't have the slighest clue, can't follow the most simple instructions and expect you to read their mind in order to resolve their problems. Which, in a large number of cases are self infliced. "My botz don'tzor work. What wrong wid it dudez? plz fix now or refund". Some people make it bloody hard to help them.
if you use the macro's that are available for mass deposit/mail or mass withdraw, its really fast. i got my time down from 1-2 hours a day to 10 mins