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  • [PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Warlock' started by Millz, Jul 10, 2013.

    1. lve2raft

      lve2raft New Member

      Jan 28, 2010
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      Millz let us know what we can do to assist in getting the routines up to snuff - especially affliction. For those of us who raid heroic at a high level - we cant get away with just saying we like destro more when the difference in potential damage is so high. Thankfully no one plays demo and we only have two specs to worry about :)
    2. ryshu

      ryshu New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      ^this - destruction is really good for sure but my raidlead gives a shit about that on prot for example and some more - either deal with affliction or you're out soon :/
    3. Billyjo

      Billyjo New Member

      Jun 10, 2014
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      are you drunk?

      Firstly i never post on these forums, I have no interest in doing so. I do however read them and learn from them on how to use the cc.
      I have successfully raided 14/14 hc since using Demonic it works consistently well on all fights including those i chose to go Affliction. I have chosen to post today basically after reading the constant flow of shit aimed at Millz and this cc. Lets get one thing clear for all to read this cc works superb, it is not a magic wand however, trust me when I say apart from the odd hic up here and there i use this cc every week and have consistently placed on world of logs and continue to do so each week.
      If you cant get it to work after reading these forums and learning a fight and how it should be done then its your fault and you probably shouldnt be raiding hc in first place no cc will help you.

      keep the great work Millz
    4. ryshu

      ryshu New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      Noone ever said that this is a bad cc nor that Millz isn't a great coder(??wtf) - cpt hero it's just fact that yet (confirmed by millz) affliction isnt as perfectly coded as destruction which leads
      to the fact that elitist leader(heroic) may not have so much space of understanding when it comes to a undergeared warlock outdamaging a higher equipped affliction warlock
    5. smrdlja

      smrdlja New Member

      Jul 29, 2012
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      Millz cc is amazing in general... but bad things happens... one of them is state of cc atm. Maybe it's cc, maybe its hb base... we will know once it's resolved.
    6. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      No one is saying the CC is bad, and no one is saying anything bad about Millz. It's simply there is something wrong with the CC when attempting to get it to work with the latest release of Honorbuddy. For PvP affliction that's led to alot of issues mentioned in previous pages. Millz HIMSELF asked us to roll back to an older build of Honorbuddy because of this, however in doing so it has not alleviated all the problems some of us have noticed in the past day or two.

      Good thing you don't post often, Cpt JumpToConclusions.
    7. ratrider

      ratrider Member

      Jan 1, 2012
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      Okay, everybody just calm down some and lets try to focus on whats wrong and help Millz to fix it instead of arguing! Millz is a superb coder and I love the work he has done.. but the tone here right now will certainly not help him get the motivation to fix it any faster.
    8. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks :) and don't worry about the negative feedback - people generally only post when there's an issue, so it's pretty normal.

      As for the issues -> I'm pushing a new update shortly with lots of aff changes and the debugging info for destro/immolate. I've got a bit of time tonight so quick feedback would be great to help get more fixes pushed where required before the evening is out.
    9. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Realy dont like to post anything here after reading the "bash the routine" crap above. Esp from Acronia, you should be banned from further use of this routine.

      I for one hope that u r 12 and eat a pound of sugar a day cause this would explain your behavior, if not you got some serious issues.

      That said, im still waiting for your settings by PM "o master warlock".

      There is deffo something wrong with aff in pvp. Om dummy's i pull 450 k ( MF) in 540 pvp gear but in RBG its... well... crap.

      The MG thing is stil there, hell it became worse and more obvious. I dont know whats wrong with it but after reading the last pages
      i think all has been said alr and i have fait in the fact that you will find and fix it.

      Untill then my warlock is in the closet. I just played a RBG at 1900+ and DAYUM did i get flunked and my dmg was.. wel... painfully low.

      Ill keep an eye on this thread to see if anyting changes.

      1. YOU DIDNT raid 14/14 HC.. the routine did the job... you moved from time to time... man youre .... SUPERB !

      2. This cc became worse and worse on affli. I am using it since the start. Plz, get real.

      3. As always, his reaction time is fantastic, even when managing multiple cc's. Thats why i have faith this will work out in the end.

      *** Tbh, my question to you would be.. are you drunk?
      Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
    10. Kasamaka

      Kasamaka New Member

      Aug 14, 2013
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      Tbh i agree, am using this day one , and using millz SP and mage one aswell, but problem that i see is that millz doesn't really raid or play much, so i think if he did things will be solved and getting up to top faster. pushing things to the right spot is going very slow. we get a new update per day test it and still same. that means there isn't much test happening before pushing them. i know his busy and he got his own life. but i said that and keep saying it : if you can ask for monthly fee for this , il be the first to pay. i just need a perfect CC in all specs. tbh am very sad and don't know what to do :(
    11. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Using build 734, 736: All results are gained from a PvP enviroment, or testing on the stormwind dummies.

      Destro works fine using this build.

      Affliction doesn't work at all if paired with another warlock. Just spams spells on one target.
      Doesn't life-tap. If it does life-tap, the routine stops dotting and you must manually intervene to get it to start dotting again.
      Seed of corruption doesn't work in a PvP enviroment. Only uses Seed of Corruption if Mannoroth's Fury has been activated.
      When Mannoroth's Fury has been activated the routine doesn't always start casting Seed of Corruption right away, wasting precious seconds of MF.
      When Mannoroth's Fury has been activated the routine sometimes double casts Seed of Corruption correctly, but then pauses before or after Soul Swap Inhaling/Exhaling.

      Using the latest Honorbuddy build

      Destro is completely broken, simply spams immolate and curse of elements. Doesn't try to immolate targets around the currently selected one.

      Affliction works much better with this build.
      Grouping with another warlock does not stop the routine from carrying out its normal rotation.
      Life-tap works slightly better in this routine, in the sense that it is still rarely cast but when it does cast Life-Tap the routine keeps on going.
      Seed of Corruption logic seems to be handled better in this build, but it still has the same pauses as mentioned earlier. This wastes precious seconds of Mannoroth's Fury.
      The AoE function of the routine does not work in PvP with this build either. The routine will only cast seed when MF is popped, completely ignoring any values set within the 'Switch to high aoe at unit count = x' part of the routine.

      Issues in regards to the routine itself

      When receiving a buff to our stats through trinkets, enchants, procs or Dark Soul, the routine does not attempt to SB:SS to apply these stronger dots. It simply ignores whatever is happening and continues to Soul Swap inhale and exhale.
      Nor does it try to hard cast the DoTs even though they are substantially stronger. This is something I noticed within both builds. Obviously a huge issue as we are missing out on a massive dps increase.

      Mannoroth's Fury isn't being utilized to its full potential, I say this because I recently realized that Mannoroth's Fury is a dynamic ability. What I mean by this is that it scales the power and range of Seed of Corruption the moment it is used. So if you use Seed of corruption twice and then inhale it and spread, along with using MF somewhere in between that time frame the seeds that were cast before it was used still get powered up. This is a big deal in my opinion because it saves the warlock from wasting 3 seconds of MF by simply casting the double seeds first, and then using MF. This will result in being able to Soul Swap super strong seeds for the entire 10 sec duration of MF. Instead of 6-7 seconds as it stands now, because we are wasting time casting it whilst MF is up. Just to let you know MF is OFF the GCD, so you can use it combination with other abilities at exactly the same time.

      I hope this helped in anyway Millz. I really hope to see your routine handling affliction the way it used too or maybe even better.
      Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
    12. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      I'm not bashing on Millz. All I said was that I was upset with the routines performance of late, in addition to this I said that I will attempt to test Millz's routine with as many Honorbuddy builds as I can. This was so that I could provide some feedback that may be of help to him. Something I have tried to do in the previous pages as well by describing my problems and attaching logs. In fact I have praised Millz a few times before for his awesome update times, his constant communication and his attention to detail.

      And secondly, I'm actually sorry for not sending you my settings. I'm active on a few other forums of Honorbuddy (Such as TaunHa's DK) and receive quite a few messages from people for setting for my warlock and deathknight because of playing both at 2100+ in arenas and rbg's currently. I simply must have been busy at the time you sent it and forgot to do so. A very humane error.

      Anyway, as you can see by my post above, I am genuinely trying to help Millz in anyway that I can.
    13. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      View attachment 132586

      Using last update

      180k dmg on dummy's

      swapping is off by a mile

      then 3 then 4 then 2 and MF nt working correct.

      socx2 -usa-socx2 , not swapping every time.soc burns and nothing to swap.

      soc spam like mad?

      o noes i think i broke my new toy :(

      TOP log, dont know how to remove bottom one

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
      amputations likes this.
    14. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      Please note that GUID in Debuffs is currently broken. If there's another warlock on the same target as you, the routine will try to refresh the dots on the target.

      Please wait on the next HB update or revert to an older HB version.
    15. Newton2017

      Newton2017 New Member

      Jun 5, 2014
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      Well, that most certainly sheds late on the complications we've been experiencing.

      Thank you!
    16. caspersky

      caspersky New Member

      May 31, 2014
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      that a good news thanks
    17. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      I dont see how this shows or explains the problems we are having.

      How many take a 2nd warlock in raid, or in a rbg.

      How many have another warlock targetting dummy's when u fight em.

      This explains some, but deffo not all.

      Still ty for the update on this.
    18. ryshu

      ryshu New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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    19. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      lolthat :)

      From a raiding point of vieuw i dont know it, since i dont raid monkey style no more, but taking a second warlock for what
      other then no other available raiders? So maybe i shouldnt have put raid but pvp only.

      playing2k+in rbg and VERY rarely a 2nd warlock. Close to none. So problem officer?

      This explains pausing @ multi dotting on 2 warlocks, nothing else.

      This does not explain the pauses, the short DS ( 0.1 sec cast ) thats still in and the swap errors.

      Nor does it explain the soc spam or the MF errors ( 3 x short cast and stop, then pause )

      So in the end, it explains something to those who take a 2nd warlock, and i still think FROM A PVP point of view, thats close to none.
      Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
    20. ryshu

      ryshu New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      Almost every 25m raid has at least a second warlock - dunno for pvp tho but yeah I have those things too


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