Please how can i receive button name in game? It can be very helpfull, if api cant get dialog key and so on. Thank you for help
Please can some core developer help? You have implemented in "API" function UIInteraction.ClickButtonByName(string name) and usage of this button was apply for example WarpTo or LootContainer. Thanks for the help.
why no one can respond anythink? i am ok with any answer for example, it is not possible get it some how normaly, you need to use "GreyMagic or another library or directly from c " for reading Memory and find that in or so on ... it is so hard to answer question? Comunity developer its nice but without help from developers is hard to help comunity. Thanks for understanding
to get the name open the console ingame and enter /GenButtonClick <someletter> and iterate the button names with tab
.ClickButtonByName(string name) and usage of this button was apply for example WarpTo or LootContainer