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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by ArkSeyonet, Jun 19, 2014.

    1. ArkSeyonet

      ArkSeyonet New Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      Well I have been running into a problem and I'm not sure if it's the profile I'm using or what, but is there a plugin or anything that I could use to allow me to sell all of the items in my inventory when I go to a shop npc? Because the character always only sells certain items, and then honorbuddy turns off when the bags get full.

      I've been searching, but can't seem to find any information. But it seems that it's all in the profile script, so is there any scripts around to add "all items" to the sell list?
      Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
    2. namednoob

      namednoob Community Developer

      Apr 25, 2014
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    3. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      It's likely that the items you're wanting the bot to sell are protected.
      While items can be protected using Profile code - it can also be protected outside of the profile.

      Inside of your Honorbuddy folder (where the Honorbuddy.exe is located) there's two files named 'Protected Items.xml' and 'ForceMail.xml'

      Every item entry that's listed in the Protected Items file will not be sold to a vendor.
      Every item entry that's listed in the ForceMail file will not be sold, and it will be mailed if the mailing routine is called.

      If you open these files up with a text/code editor, you will see a large list of entries.
      If you want the bot to sell a specific item, simply "CTRL+F" the name of the item you're wanting to sell, then either remove the entry or comment it out, then restart Honorbuddy for the effects to take place.

      Here's a screenshot showing how to "comment out" a entry

      As you can see, <!-- --> was added around the entry.
      This is the same as 'removing' the entry - so the bot will sell the desired item.
      However, the entry will remain there in case you want to re-add it later.​

      It's important to note that some items will not be sold even if they aren't protected by these files.
      These items are protected internally by either a plugin - or some other Honorbuddy code.
      Usually food or potions fall in this category.

      In order to "rid" of these items, try disabling your "Refreshment Detection" plugin.
      If that doesn't work, you can add the items to your "ForceMail" file so your bot will mail them away. ​
      Last edited: Jun 20, 2014
    4. ArkSeyonet

      ArkSeyonet New Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      I appreciate the responses, and I will definitely check both of those things out. Hypothetically, since it's XML I should just be able to comment out the entire list, and it should fix 99% of the issues.
    5. DarkManz

      DarkManz New Member

      Dec 31, 2012
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      While this is technically true, remember there are things in the protected items list for a reason. You may eventually have something in your bags that you def do not want to vendor and forget that you have nothing protected any longer. In other words this could and probably will eventually come back to bite you in the azz one day. Its far better to just go through the items and comment out the specific ones that are giving you grief currently.

      Proceed at your own risk and remember that you have been warned the day your bot vendors all of your BOAs and gear-sets and then logs :)
    6. ArkSeyonet

      ArkSeyonet New Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      Well basically, I made a copy of the ProtectedItems.xml so that once I hit 90 (I'm only wanting to comment things out while leveling up to 90) I can just switch the ProtectedItems.xml back. :)

      Because I won't really care about anything under 90. I didn't comment the "companion" and "mount" items out, just incase I get lucky.

      But yes, let's hope that I don't forget. I'm pretty good at always remembering, so it shouldn't be a problem.

      (I only use honorbuddy for going 1-81 anyway so there is that)
      Last edited: Jun 20, 2014

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