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  • New user, seems buggy.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by ludakot, Nov 12, 2010.

    1. ludakot

      ludakot New Member

      Nov 12, 2010
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      Hey everyone. I've spent most of the past 10 hours setting all this up, and It's just not working out for me, I'm abit dissapointed. After reading around it sounds like there's a new version which broke most stuff like custom classes and profiles etc, is this right? There are a few decent custom classes but a lot of them suck. I've tried plenty of profiles and they all seem to be really buggy, Running past mobs it's supposed to be killing just so it can get to a hotspot etc. It just runs past stuff a lot. It randomly stops, runs around randomly, and gets confused a lot. Am I doing something wrong or is the current state of the bot? Hope someone can clear this up and help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, if anything. Thanks!
    2. MegatoN

      MegatoN New Member

      Aug 11, 2010
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      I went from payment to leveling in 10 minutes after watching and reading guides..
    3. Morga

      Morga Member

      Feb 18, 2010
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      Well lets start with a few questions shall we?

      What version of HB are you using?
      What class/lvl are you?
      Which profiles did you try?
      Which are you using now?
      Which CC are you using (default or another from the forums)?
      Which Faction are you?
      Do you have any plug ins enabled?

      Specifically what do you mean looks botty and post your latest log from your log folder, which is located inside the hb folder :)

    4. gogogaga

      gogogaga New Member

      Jul 27, 2010
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      FYI Morga works in the FBI !!
    5. nhemlis

      nhemlis New Member

      Sep 30, 2010
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      i joined about 2 months ago(was a downtime on the bot for 1,5week also there) and got 1 80 druid and another 70 shaman atm... So like said earlier read up on guides.

      there are mostly helpful people who can customize exactly what you need help with in threads made, just give us the info that Morga asks for, and youll probably get this sorted quicker then u think.
    6. ludakot

      ludakot New Member

      Nov 12, 2010
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      What version of HB are you using? I also tried 3144 but it seems the same

      What class/lvl are you?

      Tried a mage until level 12 but was having problems with both the CC and profile, Now trying a 43 undead warrior.

      Which profiles did you try?

      I tried: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...uestorder]-horde-eastern-kingdoms-1-60-a.html

      On the mage, it got stuck quite a few times and I had a couple of problems with it doing silly things like running into a bunch of mobs and dying.

      Which are you using now?


      That's what I'm using now, I first tried It on my level 12 mage in the barrens but It was just killing a few mobs then running for about a minute, killing a few more and then running back. Now running it on my warrior in ferelas.

      Which CC are you using (default or another from the forums)?


      Is the first I tried but it didn't work very well at all, wasn't using half of my skills.


      That's what I'm using now, it's decent I guess.

      Which Faction are you?


      Do you have any plug ins enabled?

      No, I tried instancebuddy but it seemed too obvious and I didn't want to get reported. Had problems with it falling off of places and then running through mobs etc.

      Specifically what do you mean looks botty and post your latest log from your log folder, which is located inside the hb folder :)

      Like I said in my original post, It keeps doing weird stuff. It'll mount up and run past loads of mobs instead of killing them like it's supposed to. It randomly stops or gets stuck in a cycle etc. A lot of weird stuff keeps happening, that's the only way I can decribe it :p The combat seems fine though, I haven't died on my warrior yet.

      I've been watching it for the last 10 minutes and it's been running smoothly but it still ignores targets and just runs around for way too long occasionally. I'm sure if I watch it long enough it'll start being stupid again. :p

      I posted links to everything I've been using because I thought it would be more helpful than just giving the names.

      I've attached my last two logs.


      Attached Files:

    7. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Ludakot, would you be so kind as to try this remedy and this remedy, then let us know your results?

    8. ludakot

      ludakot New Member

      Nov 12, 2010
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      Thank you so much, you got it! It was the pull distance, I had it at 25 so it wasn't picking mobs up!
      I ticked kill between hotspots too now which I guess helps. Although am I right in thinking I should turn it off for quest profiles otherwise it will kill low/high level mobs on the way to a quest giver?

      It still acts weird sometimes, like walking through a mob and then turning around etc, but I guess that's just the nature of a bot? It's happened with past bots I've used atleast. Sorry that I sound like such a noob, I'm just trying to gather information ;)

      I can also go back to try my mage now and see if this has fixed the problems I was having there. Although one question about questing profiles, why do they only pick up one quest at a time. It seems way more inefficient than doing a bunch. Are they even any faster than normal grinding profiles? After all, the questing profiles don't have a lot of quests in them to start with.

      Again, thanks for the help!
      Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
    9. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Yes, "Kill between Hotspots" is usually ticked off for Questing Profiles, unless the Profile Writer has indicated otherwise. You will also want to drop your "Pull distance" back down to a normal 30-50 when questing (if you've been crazy enough to set it to 'max'. :D )

      Yes, I see this behavior a lot, also. I'm not sure if its the HBcore, or a misbehaving CC causing the problem. This remedy may help alleviate some of that.

      With the new QuestOrder system, a good questing profile will pick up a bunch of quests, go out and about to complete them, then turn them all back in at once. Very efficient. It sounds like you may be using an older profile written using the ForcedQuest system. You can read more about the differences in them here.

      Questing profiles are considerably faster than grinding profiles--they only slow down when they have to 'grind' for a couple of levels. Some authors write conservative profiles like this such that they're usable by all classes, not just the resilient ones. The only thing faster than a Questing profile is Mixed mode (grinding+PvP). Alas, questing is a little buggy--it gets hung up on things while navigating, can't get out of combat in certain areas (Winterspring stealthed tigers, channeling Twilight Cultists, etc), so you have to watch it. But all in all, questing is much faster, in additional to giving you a buffer from the 'ban hammer'.

      Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
    10. ludakot

      ludakot New Member

      Nov 12, 2010
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    11. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the Default Mage CC, the one that comes with honorbuddy should work fine for you, if you want to use amplify, just make sure its installed correctly, and you configure the options to your liking. mages are hard to bot but worth it in the end.
    12. ludakot

      ludakot New Member

      Nov 12, 2010
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      Your CC is great, I think I was just having problems with my settings. Cheers!

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