The bot's logic has regressed with this latest version, and some bugs have occurred. For example, the bot can't drop dark iron dwarf anymore. When it drops it, the card immediately goes back to your hand for some reason. Sometimes when there are 2 dark iron dwarves in hand, it just cycles between them an infinite number of times, and then plays nothing for the turn. Other times, it plays a defender of argus instead when the dark iron dwarf failed, which usually is the wrong play. The bot was correct to play the dwarf first, but it's unfortunate that it just settles for defender if it cannot play the dwarf. I also noticed that this version uses Frostbolt and fireball to the face a lot more liberally than it did before. And of course, if the player plays a Defias Ringleader and you have a 3/2, the bot sends your 3/2 into the 2/1 token rather than the 2/2. What used to be a 60% winning deck in the last version is now 18-23% because of these changes. I just wanted to let you know.
Actually, last update cant justify a such drop of winrate... I think your droprate is mainly due to global level increase... Hearthstone is now an "old" game, opponents become stronger & smaters. How to get a specific build btw :
It can justify it if the bot cannot play dark iron dwarves and it ends the turn with 4 remaining mana game after game though Older versions of the bot did not do this, like a few days ago before the recent updates. Thanks for the link to the old versions. I'll try with 77 and 78 to see which version fixes it.
Cool! Yeah, the version you linked me fixed the problem. It went back to 70.45% win rate over 44 games.
For some reason, the win % is higher with version 78 than 80. Something else regressed even though the Dark Iron Dwarf buffing issue was fixed. I'll try to run them and watch them to see what happened. Here is my decklist:
I'm still getting 68-70% with the mage deck on casual with version 78 for sessions over 40 games, so I'm sticking with that for now.
Before everybody starts to whine more about the bot, I want to remind you that season 3 will end 30 June 2014. Because we're so close to the end of the season more and more people want to play so they can get their rewards and higher ranks in next season. I use the same deck and it vary a lot depending on the time of the day, week and month. So, please.. give the staff some credit and use the support forum instead when you find bugs. Cheers.
So yesterday there was an update and it keeps asking me over and over again to update. I click yes, it downloads and it still asks me. Also after the update my wins have went from 50% to 25% or less. Same deck, only 1 day difference. 1 day difference shouldnt change that bad, I have it running different times all the time and havent seen a drop like this except for trying out new decks.
I've played the deck over 40 games with the latest version and the win rate is around 36-38%. I go back to the old version, and it's back to 65-68% over 15 games. I don't think it has much to do with time of day or variance. Something in the logic has changed to make it lose more. I'd suggest the dev's to run my deck list as one of their test decks. It's a very easy deck to play and it will have a high human or bot win % on casual, which is great for grinding out gold.
Guys, did the most recent update fix the winrate % again? He said he found a "stealthed" bug and fixed it in the latest version...