Hi GM, Please help, this is the second time to encounter such problem, please review the log file and get it settle as soon as possible. Thanks.
if you havent register at Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal with the same e-mail address you used during checkout. once you get in you should be able to view your keys and kill any active sessions you may have.
I met this question too. Log in with max sessions a few these days. I think it's server problem and I cannot logon Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal Login was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again. This account is not yet approved. Please contact support at support@thebuddyforum.com can you help me to fix login? Thanks!
Yes, I registered and check my key, there is no active session under the key but still show me max session problem. How could I do?
I downloaded international version and test OK. Hongkong version is still max session. You can use international honorbuddy