Blessing of Might × 1 Leper Gnome × 1 Noble Sacrifice × 2 Redemption × 1 Acidic Swamp Ooze × 1 Argent Protector × 1 Dire Wolf Alpha × 1 Knife Juggler × 1 Loot Hoarder × 1 Acolyte of Pain × 1 Scarlet Crusader × 1 Shattered Sun Cleric × 2 Chillwind Yeti × 2 Consecration × 2 Sen'jin Shieldmasta × 2 Truesilver Champion × 2 Frostwolf Warlord × 1 Silver Hand Knight × 2 Argent Commander × 1 Boulderfist Ogre × 2 Guardian of Kings × 1 Ragnaros the Firelord × 1
27 games isn't really a good sample. I've had time where I've had 70% win rate in 27 games and 10%. You should do 100 or more.
>casual gets you the 100 gold cap each day >casual earns experience for your hero >experience levels your hero up >the higher level your hero, the more cards you unlock (+ they're gold) >the more cards you have, the better you can make a deck. so is casual a waste of time?
If you're going for gold cap only then you'd get more wins in less time with warrior or hunter. If you are still leveling a hero, then it's best to do Ranked so you can get golden hero at the same time. Then after you're done getting all golden heroes go back to farming with hunter or warrior.