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  • Cards the bot uses best?

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Farneze, Jul 6, 2014.

    1. Farneze

      Farneze New Member

      May 24, 2014
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      Hey guys. I've gotten about 200 wins through botting so far, and I've learned a bit here and there about how the bot tends to work. What I have noticed most of all right now is that there are certain cards the bot does an awesome job with, and others it completely flops on. I think basing a deck around the cards the bot uses most intelligently is a fairly good idea for maintaining a decent win rate. In this post I'll focus more on mage cards because I just have too little experience with other classes right now.

      For example, say my mage has three mana and I have a harvest golem in my hand. For this let's just say the board is empty. You would think that the bot would summon the golem, but a lot of the time it will just hero ability their face, completely ignoring the golem. On the other hand, if king mukkla is in my hand, the bot will instantly use it every time, which is the right decision of course.

      The bot is very good with fireball. If there's a five or six health minion on the board, most of the time the bot will aim for it and kill it. Frostbolt, on the other hand, is often ignored even when there's a perfect target for it.

      I'm curious about the cards that the bot is the best at using, or in another way of putting it, which cards the bot flops the least. Here's a list of cards that the bot seems to be fairly good with:

      *Leper Gnome/Loot Hoarder
      *Argent Commander (trades very smartly with it)
      *Defender of Argus (typically places it intelligently)
      *Flamestrike, Pyroblast, Fireball
      *Sylvannas, Cairne, Mukkla, Ragnaros

      Here are cards the bot has some trouble with:

      *Azure Drake (typically ignores it even if it's the correct play for the situation)
      *Frostbolt, Arcane Missiles, Blizzard (ignores them, uses Arcane Missiles on empty boards, etc.)
      *Harvest Golem (ignores it way too much, but trades effectively with it a lot of the time)

      What are some other cards that work very well in a variety of bot decks?
    2. Thickchesthair

      Thickchesthair New Member

      May 29, 2013
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      Any straight forward, good value cards really - Chillwind Yeti, Boulderfist Ogre, Water Elemental, Sen'Jin Shieldmasta, etc

      With Leper Gnome, I have seen it trade into a paladin hero token on turn 2 D:
    3. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Rather then making a "which cards are the best" i would suggest making a list of "which cards are the worst", cause right now this list is much smaller then the "working good" cards list.
    4. N3k0

      N3k0 New Member

      May 15, 2014
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      That strategy is working well for me. I always build deck with good value cards like Yeti, Sen'jin, Knife Juggler, Shatt. sun cleric, etc. I keep spells at minimum and it seems to be working just fine because many people at ranks 20-17 use bad cards in their games and just because bot have more value in cards he tends to win with them.
    5. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      A lot of people think high costs cards (epic, legendary) are great and use far too many of them. From my experience so far, a pretty basic rush deck with tons of 1 and 2 cost cards works pretty good. Especially talking towards all the murloc cards you can build quite some good decks rushing down your opponent. A lot of times your enemy is down before turn 6.

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