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  • 70-80 Sholazar Basin

    Discussion in '70-80' started by theshade, Jul 7, 2014.

    1. theshade

      theshade New Member

      Mar 3, 2012
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      I used this profile upon hitting 70 and used it for quite awhile. You can start it in Sholazar. I am currently working on a 1-100 full afk profile for horde then ally. Please donate to ballernj@yahoo.com If you like my profiles and help fund 1-100 profile because noone had a full afk profile for MoP which was really sad. I am looking to release for WoD hopefully I get beta access so I can start working on it. I will keep you guys updated on the project, but until them I am starting on 1-90 profiles. I have tauren up to 5 atm I literally just started it. Anyways enjoy the profile feedback is appreciated.

      View attachment 72-80 Sholazar Basin (LK).xml
    2. Dark_Lord

      Dark_Lord New Member

      Nov 19, 2012
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      does it grind all around Sholazar Basin or on a specific location?

      I will test this on my 71 Shaman and give you a feedback how it works.


      Ok, first of all you have to say this a profile which runs on Questing Bot. If you run this in Grindbot, it will do nothing. After every kill he mounts up and fly to the next npc. This is bad cause it took so much time. I would say its ok for farming some Chilled Meat or Leather but for leveling it has to low XP/HR (on my Shaman around 200k/hr without lvl equip). There are much better grinding profiles in the forums.

      Anyway, thanks for your work.
      Last edited: Aug 12, 2014

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