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    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Banjozvin, Jul 10, 2014.

    1. Banjozvin

      Banjozvin New Member

      Jan 9, 2014
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      So i got banned on my main account. (Perm ban). However i tricked Blizz to think i lived at a college and they must've hacked my account and botted on it. So they unbanned me. 3-4 months later i started botting again. I botted for 3 hours everyday for 4 days. And got perm banned again. And this time they wouldn't even consider removing the ban. I understand ofc. But now i started on wow again. On a account on the same Bnet. But i'm so afraid to start botting again,.

      But stuff like farming honor. Proffs. LFR. I just can't do it myself :D

      Do you guys think i should be worried? Or should i just bot carefully?

      Thanks in advance!
    2. -M_M-

      -M_M- New Member

      Nov 18, 2013
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      Never bot on something you can't afford to lose....

      It's standard for them to refuse to unban an account a second time, no matter what the reason for the first ban was. Personally I think you'll be alright if you bot under the same B.net, so long as you're not planning on running multiple WoW accounts at the same time.
    3. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      You are even free to run alot of wow accounts, even on same bnet in the same time, but dont farm on them all, or you will get busted. By farm I mean using GB2, Bgbot, grinding or Dungeon farming for profit etc.

      You are free to run LFR with Dungeonbuddy, crafting(shuffling) and AH stuff for as long as you need.
    4. longboarder28

      longboarder28 New Member

      Dec 13, 2012
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      Hey bro,

      I'm pretty much in the same place you are lol, but with demonbuddy, except when I used that excuse they wouldn't unban me the first time. I made another account on the same battlenet, and not like crazy, but much smarter and more efficient. So far I haven't been caught *knock on wood* but last time I was banned after my first 48 hours of botting ever. That was two years ago.

      Just started using honorbuddy a month ago and got banned last night though, my account got hacked and they got us both banned. Trying to fix that mess now.

      Good luck man, honestly its probably stupid on both our parts doing it on the same account but who knows how blizz looks for us.

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