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  • Fix Bgbuddy for a change

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by webhond, Jul 16, 2014.

    1. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      K, not another QQ thread, just a legit question.

      Why do you let Bgbuddy act the way it does.

      Using it on a seprate account now and ffs this crap is so retarded.

      Mentioned it so many times but even the meshing in bg is utterly stupid.

      From the start of every bg you can see clearly who is a bot and whos not.

      not once does a bot run straight out of a gate.

      Run temple, warsong / anything. Back - fort - back again - loop - gate - tunnel ....

      Theres nothing logical about the movement and imo this is like this for months on end
      while this has been reported numerous times, theres nothing thats done about it.

      You gonna tell me its so hard to let the bot run outside normally? Mesh this start behaviour normally?

      Ioc, all standing in keep and waiting for the gate to close and then using portals. You even for real?

      Clearly shows you dont give 2 cents about something that made this bot the way it is now.

      So 2nd question, give bg buddy some love cause atm its a fcking joke!

      If you cant fix this mesh in bg, shut it down. Cancel it. Cause from a legit point of vieuw, theres no wau to get
      shit done with 5-10 bots in every bg, and from a botting point of vieuw, this only gets you banned.

      Somewhere i get the feeling you dont know how to, i love to believe that you dont give 2 cents, but plz prove me wrong.

      At least mesh all starter behaviour normally. plz!
      Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
    2. Brakoner

      Brakoner New Member

      Feb 26, 2012
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      I do believe that a lot of things can be done to Bgbuddy aswell.
    3. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      A lot is are the right words!
    4. BGR

      BGR New Member

      Oct 7, 2013
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      BGBuddy needs help. I do agree. But, that alone is not really constructive info.

      The developers alone can not fix it without our help. To do this "WE" (botters using the BGBuddy) need to compile one thread of necessary, quality of life, or performance changes that must be made to improve BGBuddy and decrease the detection of BGBuddy users. And should the developers of honorbuddy decline to fix the issues, development should be opened to the general population of the forum so we can fix the problems for ourselves.

      This is the only way I see BGBuddy changing for the positive.
    5. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I'm not a developer, so I can't confirm or deny what I've read in many, many threads of this nature. BGBuddy is a terrible bot base, yes. However, the developers have stated on other occasions that they are in the process of working on a BGBuddy replacement bot for battlegrounds that is supposed to be really great. Now, you can take this with a grain of salt because I never believe anything until I actually see it. I haven't gotten Millz's BG Farmer bot yet, but that's simply because I really have no interest in PvP of any sort. It's just my own personal opinion. I farmed BGs back in WotLK with my rogue to earn a full set of that season's gear, and that was it. I used BGBuddy then, but that was before it was so easy to report botters. I don't think I'll be doing it anymore. I'm just simply not interested in anything other than PvE content. However, I do hope that the developers revamp and rework BGBuddy, because as everyone has said, it's simply sub-par now as a bot base. If you have the spare funds for it, I suggest trying out the BG Farmer bot base that Millz has worked up until the developers get BGBuddy fixed up.
    6. USAF99

      USAF99 New Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      How is that helpful whatsoever?

      It seems the same thing happens over and over in these forums. Ill not say that I have been around since its inception, but I have used HB for a good deal of time now and usually come to these forums when I encounter a problem. Its always the same thing.

      "Bleepidy bleep, piece of bleep, doesn't work, bleep bleep."

      Instead of

      "Hey Dev's, I was using Botbase X to do x task, the following three things happened 1. xxxx 2. xxxx 3. xxxx. Attached are my log files from the time and date of the incident, when you get a chance, could you look at it? Thanks!"

      As far as BGBuddy goes, I have noticed many issues as well, however, unless the entire forum reading population can write .xml and have it work perfectly for a program that is NOT intended to utilize it (I.E. WoW using HB) I would cool my jets. We didn't get from the Wright Flier to the F-22 overnight, I am fairly sure HB/GB/BG Buddy is not gonna be an overnight gem either.

      In short, I am sure they are working on it, I am sure they have seen the complaints, and imho, we prolly need to utilize the search function to see if something has been reported already. Give them a minute to work on it.
    7. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      m8 i made numerous posts before telling whats wrong in every bg.

      The start mesh is just utterly retarded. When this problem persists for 6 months + without
      any love you lose the will to post anything constructive.

      Looking at the bot just now, strand of ancients. All bots dont even mount up. Buth hey, thats a cr issue?
      Nah its not. Its mounting in every bg BUT this one. Runnign to beach by foot. And u know what. All do!

      If the devs would play one bg once, they would see what i mean. From start to middle of battle somewhere
      shows bottish buggy movement. Its not even funny no more.

      I placed logs, forum posts fom wow forum. questions and suggestions.

      But again, when theres no love for something that made this bot big, i can do nothing but feel sorry here.
    8. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Soz bro, but this issue is well over a year old and the funny thing is, the more they tinker with it, the worse it gets.

      Maybe indeed as suggested, open the source code so others can tinker with it cause clearly some dont know how or dont
      give 2 cents about it.
    9. USAF99

      USAF99 New Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Wholeheartedly agree--just the pathing logic alone makes me wanna /bg "IM BOTTING"

      Point of my reply above is, there is no point trolling and flaming, fairly sure that isnt gonna get anything fixed.
    10. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      So if the source code was released you would step up and do something about it? Or are you just waiting for the free handout? Honorbuddy is practically a giant api, so you could make your own BGBuddy right now if you wanted to.

      Talk of BGBuddy is usually pretty sour but it does have some merit. You can make it "better" with plugins and things like that, but the botbase in its entirety needs to be redone. PvP is a controversial aspect of botting because you either get it right or wrong, there's very little wiggle room for what constitutes a good performance in that department. To be able to make an acceptably "good" BGBuddy you would have to get very close to humanistic behavior, which is much like an asymptotic line, and not an easy task to undergo. For instance, it has to make wise movement decisions, offensive or defensive action, priority targeting, account for all of the diverse aspects of each battleground, take intensive care to not get stuck and handle inevitable stucks, and so forth. Other botbases are much more linear and comfortably usher in desired functions, with only a handful of reactive measures, whereas pvp is pretty much a logical minefield and has to react to everything happening around it.

      Someone was working on it, a year ago, and they disappeared. The devs are very aware of it's lacking nature but they're not going to go on an evangelistic crusade to drop whatever they're doing and recreate that bot, they have plenty better to do.
    11. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      For instance, "Going to the biggest battlefield" isn't the solution of BgBuddy, it requires better logics (more humane) + needs to be smarter. Which is possible now that Main has released CoRoutine, the question is when not how.
    12. reddewman

      reddewman New Member

      Feb 13, 2010
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      I must agree with this, it's very easy to pick out "botters" in bg's now days. I was hustling a Horde priest at Gold-Mine last night when three of our teams mates just kept pathing the same path, they didn't stop to help unless the priest got within "X" range of them.

      But again, I really have no reason to use BGbuddy since I enjoy PvP without a bot.
    13. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      I have never used bg buddy, I just use dungeonbuddy and farm dungeons and convert the Justice Points to Honor is hell of a lot faster and smoother.
    14. IIKrypticII

      IIKrypticII New Member

      Jul 12, 2014
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      I mean, to the people saying how much it sucks, you know, you could always just go and make your own BGbot? Fact is someone did make that bot, and it probably does need improvement, but at the end of the day, you're being a cheater, and you're mad that you can't cheat, honestly BGbot is something I have no interest in, its PVP, whether or not you have the skill to play your class or not doesn't really matter but facing an automated enemy just takes the fun out of it,

      unless you're simply trying to get gear to sell a pvp geared character or something, which even so, you could just farm instances for the JP and convert, but BGbot being bad is something that isn't new.
    15. hbkx1

      hbkx1 Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      Can some of you all switch to alliance side? I get 4 AVs in a row and bame a 10 man train of bots same path right on top of each other and we getting steam rolled
      Last edited: Jul 20, 2014
    16. AknA

      AknA Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 11, 2012
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      Ok, make lists (and I'm being serious now).
      What do you want a bg bot to do ? (make list for every single bg)
      How do you want the bg bot to do it ?
      How would you like the logic to be ? (and not just, be more human like duh...)
      What should the priorities be in every single bg ?

      Make serious lists for every single battleground on how you would like it to be and I'll code it for you.
    17. TreeEskimo

      TreeEskimo Member

      Apr 22, 2013
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      It needs to go for objectives like a real player would do by capturing bases, defending bases, using objects etc.

      Capture the flag mode (Warsong Gulch / Twin Peaks):
      It needs to kill enemy flag carriers (if dps) and preferably wait for 1-2 more guys before engaging if thats even possible to make, protect our flag carrier if heal (or protect as dps if no one else is doing). Don't follow up and camp at the our flag if dps. Go away once he is escorted.

      Domination mode (Arathi Basin / Eye of the Storm / The Battle for Gilneas / Deepwind Gorge):
      Capture bases when losing and assault bases w/ teammates. Move to protect bases when winning.

      Temple of Kotmogu:
      Collect orbs. Move to mid field when holding orb. If no teammates are in mid, dont go mid if you have orb. Kill enemies w/ orbs.

      Silvershard Mines:
      attack and defend mine carts, preferably staying with carts until captured. Move away and capture another cart if someone is already staying.

      Alterac Valley:
      Kill mini boss first. Assault and defend towers. Move to end boss once towers are taken.

      Isle of Conquest:
      Attack (depending on faction) - horde: workshop; alliance: docks. Move to boss once gates are down. The bot should probably not do the vehicle stuff. Let real players do that.

      Strand of the Ancients:
      Attack demolishers, collect bombs and attack gates. Probably should focus on bombing and not take vehicles.

      Fix current issues in the start of battlegrounds as explained at the top. Strand of the Ancients start, IoC taking portals, mount up earlier (every single bot is mounting at the exact same time most of the times).
      If possible, create something like if x players are moving in the same path as you for x amount of time then tell it to choose a different route. I dont know how this would work with other bots and if they would just take the same route as you.

      Also, dont always make it follow the road. Instead make it take fall damage to get to x destination instead of choosing to follow the road all the time (which looks super suspicious at it is right now).

      In fights it should priortize healers always.

      Thats what I can think of right now. Havent even tried bgbuddy since 2012-2013 so I cant really remember that much. Maybe someone else can add more to it.
    18. holynorth

      holynorth New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Will result in the current problem of too many bots in a single BG. They will wait on each other to engage, which will never happen, and result in obvious botting.

      Will result in exact same AI we have now; running a lone bot into a fully defended base or sitting at a base with 5+ other bots.

      Again, this logic works if you are the only bot.

      What if your faction skips the mini boss? What if your faction wipes and is on the defensive plan? You'll be an obvious bot as you continuously run into and die at the mini boss.

      Again, this is just asking your bot to run into a fully defended area and rack up the deaths.

      The rest of your advice is already incorporated. The stuff I quoted simply won't work. It isn't as easy as everyone thinks.
    19. TreeEskimo

      TreeEskimo Member

      Apr 22, 2013
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      Most of the stuff I mentioned (most of it) is incorporated into Millz' bg farmer. So how exactly wont it work?
      Also > "preferably"
    20. holynorth

      holynorth New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      The flaws I listed can be found in the reviews of Millz' bg farmer.

      There's an inherent flaw in BG botting. The more people that use your logic, the more likely it is to create problems.
      Last edited: Jul 21, 2014

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