i have to have two diffrent HB folders one for shadow and one for disc? if im in game and playing shadow with HB running its fine.... i switch specs to disc then i close HB completly then try and reload HB it wont reconize the disc spec. i had to reinstal a new copy of HB to play disc? but now when i switch to shadow i get the same problem? am i doing something wrong?...never had this problem before....
Generally what you have to do is close HB completely (not just stop it), then change specs, then load it up again. That's what I do and I've never had an issue with spec detection. That sounds like what you're doing, so I'm not really sure why it's not detecting your spec. But, then again, I only play shadow since I don't like healing on my priest for one, and for two I can't really find a routine that works very well for healing as Disc (at least with my shitty gear anyway). Most of the good healing routines are for 550+ ilvl healers, which I don't have. Good luck to you though.