Hi all, just a suggestion Would it be at all possible to change Honorbuddy's process name and file name? Each update you could name the executable something different, and possibly build into the program itself, a way to randomize the process name that shows up in memory and task manager. I've had my account "BANNED" twice, and managed to get it reinstated through being persistent in ticket conversations on battle.net, but on both occasions it has been mentioned that the wow client itself can scan and list / report back to the server, a list of active processes in memory and task manager. So to me it seems logical to randomize the process name and executable name, I'm not a programmer though so perhaps someone who is could weigh in on this and explain if it's do-able or just futile... Cheers for reading, and keep up the good work devs!
1. Not support issue. 2. There are many threads like this. 3. Bottom line; it would not actually help.
it has been already discussed like 100 times at least there is absolutely no reason to rename the process