Looking for a bot/script to farm Battered junkboxes, if anyone has one or knows of one please let me know!
Surely can't be for xmogs, the daggers that drop aint worth anything.. and it would get you like, 20gph.. would you by any chance mean vine-*****ed junkbox?
Cause the boxes drop VERY expensive twink/mog daggers. Assassin's blade, Talon of vulturos, blackvenom blade. The first two go for 20-30k and Blackvenom sells for well over 100k
Not all of the mentioned, according to this: http://www.wowhead.com/item=16882/battered-junkbox#contains
Yeah it doesn't list the other two but they definitely drop, many comments and screenshots proving it. Looks like a really good way to make gold
ur a few expansions too late to sell twink items ;P it's way too server dependant for anyone to actually make a decent amount of gold off this, the talon sells for 237g (avg) on my realm atm.